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Living life after 60 involves a little - or a lot - of change. It all depends on your preferences. Taking in account your interests, you can have so much fun. Enjoy this category of articles to learn about technology, hobbies, books, entertainment and more!

8 years ago

Learn to Knit with More Confidence with these 6 Knitting Tips for Beginners

The importance of finding hobbies and activities that enrich our lives as older adults is a topic that we love to explore here at Sixty and Me.

And we know that the women in our community are some of the most interesting and diverse in the world – and so are their hobbies! Today we want to discuss one hobby in particular, though – knitting! Read More

8 years ago

Unlock the Secret to Faster Knitting with these Online Videos

For many women, knitting is a relaxing process, something akin to meditation. Knitting gives us the opportunity to step back from the chaos of the world around us and focus on a process that just makes sense. Read More

8 years ago

Exploring the Surprising Truth About Knitting and Stress Relief

As we enter into our 60s and beyond, it’s important to find ways to minimize stress and enjoy our lives to the fullest. One way to do just that is by finding hobbies and activities that bring us pleasure and relaxation – like knitting! Read More

8 years ago

It’s Never to Late to Start Knitting! These 5 Tips Will Get You Moving

As we all try to embrace positive aging, a topic that we’ve discussed a lot here at Sixty and Me, it’s important to develop personal hobbies that allow you to pursue your passions. Partaking in activities that bring you joy can enrich your daily life and keep you feeling young! Read More

8 years ago

Forget the Wine and the Attitude! Here’s What Starting a Book Club Really Requires

I have never wanted to join a book club. Oh, I know there are many excellent groups out there, whose members cherish their time together, but there are just as many dysfunctional book clubs that could turn any warm book-lover’s heart stone cold. Read More

8 years ago

This Polite Grandma Will Be in Charge When the Computers Take Over the World!

We can all agree that good manners are always appreciated. Being polite really never goes out of style – no matter what your age!

But recently, 25-year-old Ben John discovered that his grandmother, May Ashworth, was taking this notion to a whole new level! Read More

8 years ago

This 86-Year-Old Woman Has More Great-Grandkids Than Candles on Her Cake!

Few moments in a woman’s life are more precious than meeting one of her grandchildren for the very first time. And, with 68 grandkids, this is a sentiment that 86-year-old Marie Frey is very familiar with!

Recently, Frey received a very special birthday gift when she welcomed her 86th great-grandchild into the world just three days before her own 86th birthday! Read More

8 years ago

Want to Make Better Bread? Rise to the Challenge with These Videos!

“That’s not true, mom! You make an amazing baked beans on toast!” This was what my son replied when I told him that I felt like I had failed the family by never learning how to cook.

Of course, he said this with a smile and I knew that he was just joking. As he went on to explain, there are plenty of things that are more important than knowing how to bake or cook. But, his comment still stuck with me. I wondered if I would ever find the time to enjoy cooking like my mom did. Read More

8 years ago

3 Amazing Online Knitting Courses for Complete Beginners

Contrary to popular opinion, not every woman over 60 is a needle-wielding, double-knitting, sweater-making machine. Some women, like myself, never learned how to knit when we were younger. Then, as family life took over, we simply didn’t get the chance to pick up a pair of knitting needles. There was simply too much to do! Read More

8 years ago

A Heartfelt Tribute to Leonard Cohen

Leonard Cohen died this November at the age of 82. He recorded his final album from a special chair in his living room two weeks before his death despite his body being wracked with cancer and suffering from severe back pain. Read More