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Living life after 60 involves a little - or a lot - of change. It all depends on your preferences. Taking in account your interests, you can have so much fun. Enjoy this category of articles to learn about technology, hobbies, books, entertainment and more!

7 years ago

Inspiration from Women Artists: Boost Your Creativity in Retirement

If you live near or in a city, you’ll most likely be surrounded by diversity and cultures, different perhaps from your own. And whatever your background, it can be very inspiring to observe the habits of other folks and enjoy the foods, fashions and arts of other cultures.
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7 years ago

How to Self-Publish a Book at Any Age: First, Avoid These 5 Mistakes!

Working with first-time authors to complete and publish their work is incredibly rewarding. Helping people nurture and develop a concept, research a subject or share a personal story is exciting for both the author and me, in my role as coach and book shepherd. Read More

7 years ago

You’re Never Too Old to Rock and Roll, Even if You’re Creakier in the Knees!

I love to dance. I can’t dance the way I did in my 20s – all night long, but I still love to dance. Okay, so maybe my moves are a little stiffer than they used to be, but moving to music remains a great joy in my life. Read More

7 years ago

How to Break Though Creative Block and Start Painting After 60

There is one excellent reason for trying a creative workshop. There are others of course, but this one beats them all. Know what it is? Read More

7 years ago

Keeping Up with a Changing World After 60

We must adapt.

Over a century ago, the father of evolutionary biology, Charles Darwin wrote, “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.” Read More

8 years ago

Want to Get the Most from Life After 60? Get Back to Nature!

We are living in strange times. For millions of years, our ancestors slept under the stars. We sleep in concrete boxes. Our ancestors hunted for food and battled starvation.

Our food comes to us and we battle obesity. Our ancestors lived in small communities of closely related individuals. We live in concrete jungles filled with strangers. Is it any wonder that we sometimes feel lonely and anxious? Read More

8 years ago

When Living Alone, Be Sure Your Health Provider is Meeting Your Needs

We know that growing older and living alone is hardest when residing in the suburbs. Цe tend to isolate and become lonely. And when we remain alone and apart from others, the results can create havoc on our physical health, says research geriatrician, Dr. Maria Carney, author of Elder Orphans, Hiding in Plain Sight…

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8 years ago

How to Move Beyond “Accidental Acquaintances” and Find True Friends After 60

Today, I want to get your opinion on something important. The question that I have is deceptively simple, but, it gets to the heart of what it means to fight loneliness after 60. What makes a true friend? Read More

8 years ago

How to Dine Extravagantly, Even When You’re on a Budget

We do it three times a day, so it might as well be fabulous, fantastic, delicious, delightful. Even if we’re watching our weight. Especially if we’re watching our weight. Read More

8 years ago

Lace Up Your Shoes and Make History during Women’s History Month

This year Women’s History Month is honoring women who are trailblazers in labor and business.

Those chosen are women who have worked hard to improve women’s lives in the workplace and who have fought for equality and fairness for women in poverty and under-served workers.
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