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Living life after 60 involves a little - or a lot - of change. It all depends on your preferences. Taking in account your interests, you can have so much fun. Enjoy this category of articles to learn about technology, hobbies, books, entertainment and more!

7 years ago

How Sharing a Passion for Jewelry Can Lead to a Wonderful Friendship After 60

Relationships have always been very important to me, both in my business and in personal life. One aspect of consulting I really miss is getting to know my clients. Unfortunately, being the proprietor of an online boutique, I find operating in such an anonymous environment difficult. Read More

7 years ago

5 Reasons Taking an Acting Class in Retirement Might Be Good for You

I did a lot of acting when I was a child. Early family productions of the Nativity story featured me, as Mary, screaming “The Baby is Coming! The Baby is Coming!” while my brother dropped a Baby Tenderlove doll onto my lap from the top of the staircase. Read More

7 years ago

4 Ways to Get What You Want in Retirement

I don’t consider myself ‘retired,’ but I do include myself among those who are retooling their lives now that a full-time job is a thing of the past. I’ve written previously for Sixty and Me about living a happy retired life, one without career demands. Read More

7 years ago

Transitioning into Retirement? Do These 5 Things First!

Transitioning to retirement isn’t a simple process. Let’s talk about a few of the things that you can do to make this time of your life easier. Read More

7 years ago

Discovering a New Way of Volunteering in Retirement: Do What You Love and Share It with Others

With the holidays upon us, it is a wonderful idea to find time to honor the holiday spirit by volunteering. Read More

7 years ago

Senior Scams: How Online Thieves Can Steal Your Credit Card Information

Do you avoid online shopping to avoid identity theft? Do you feel safer shopping at traditional brick-and-mortar stores than you do online?

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7 years ago

6 Ways to Avoid Senior Scams and Frauds

In the U.S., victims of elder financial abuse can lose a cumulative sum of about $3 billion a year, according to Bob Blancato, head of the Elder Justice Coalition and expert in the Caregiver Smile Summit.

And guess what? That is a low estimate. Another study reveals up to $36 billion in losses. As the population of aging people grows so do fraud and abuse. Read More

7 years ago

Reinvention After 60: My Experience with the Butterfly Theory of Personal Development

Not long ago I got an email from a reader of my blog, RealDelia. She shared a poem that she’d seen posted elsewhere on the Internet which used the metaphor of the butterfly’s chrysalis to describe those periods when we need to go inside ourselves to grow…

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7 years ago

How Moving to a New House Can Change Your Life in Retirement

My life is passing before my eyes. And yet I’m healthy and vibrant, full of energy, enthusiasm and lots of gratitude. So what’s going on? Read More

7 years ago

Downsizing in Your 60s? 5 Powerful Reasons to Go on a “Home Diet”

It’s normal to accumulate stuff on our journey through life. Not only do we buy stuff, but our family, friends, career, interests and hobbies encourage us to get more stuff. Read More