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Living life after 60 involves a little - or a lot - of change. It all depends on your preferences. Taking in account your interests, you can have so much fun. Enjoy this category of articles to learn about technology, hobbies, books, entertainment and more!

7 years ago

5 Ways to Strengthen Your Social Connections After 60

The holidays, with their many gatherings and social opportunities, have passed. I still feel the warmth of many renewed connections. Some were stimulated by relatives and friends sharing information about past and upcoming trips, others by the sadness over the many health problems that we’re all facing. Read More

7 years ago

Alexa, Are You Listening? Digital Home Personal Assistants That Can Make Your Life Easier

Speakers with voice-controlled assistants – like Alexa and Google Home are all the rage. Sales numbers for the Echo family and the Google Home devices are not released by Amazon or Google. Read More

7 years ago

Who’s in Your Posse? How to Bring Positive Friendships into Your Life After 50

Posse: a group of people who have a common characteristic, occupation or purpose.

Post holidays is a good time to reassess who you spend your time with. Think about it as you look back at the past six weeks. Read More

7 years ago

Have You Always Wanted to Write a Book? Here’s How to Get Started!

Do you feel you have a book in you? Have you been secretly harbouring the dream of writing it down one day? Read More

7 years ago

How to Send Money Overseas without the Headaches and Crazy Fees

The extent to which people are moving around the globe – traveling overseas, taking extended stays, becoming expats – well, you’d think the whole world was their home. Wait a minute, the whole world is our home, isn’t it? Read More

7 years ago

“Treasure, Transfer or Toss”: Exploring the Philosophy of Downsizing in Retirement

When I downsized before moving to Florida, I put my most cherished possessions into one small 5 x 10 storage unit and left my car with my daughter. At the time, I was a bit concerned that I might be getting rid of too many things, but I didn’t want to store anything that wasn’t useful or meaningful to me. Read More

7 years ago

8 Ways to Add Value to Your Life in the New Year

It is a common understanding that making important changes in your life reduces struggle and adds value to the quality of your living experience. Change can also help reduce stress and increase happiness. Read More

7 years ago

It’s Never Too Late to Find Love and a New Career

We go through life constantly wondering. When will it happen? When will I find the right man or partner or that next job or career? We’re always wanting and waiting, but never feeling sure or complete. Perhaps 2018 is your time to find what you are looking for. Read More

7 years ago

Downsizing Can Be Fun! Lessons from Joyful Decluttering

Do you live in a beautiful clutter-free space? Many of us aspire to live in a stress-free, orderly home. We seriously undertake an occasional decluttering marathon. Read More

7 years ago

8 Ways That the New US Tax Law Might Affect Your Retirement

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was approved and is now the new law of the land.

While the majority of the media has covered the proposals for the changes as being a boon for the wealthy, they have missed discussing how the new tax laws affect most retirees. Read More