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Living life after 60 involves a little - or a lot - of change. It all depends on your preferences. Taking in account your interests, you can have so much fun. Enjoy this category of articles to learn about technology, hobbies, books, entertainment and more!

6 years ago

4 Sources of Additional Income that Can Change Your Life in Retirement

If you want to have enough money to retire comfortably, the experts have some simple advice: make a plan, start early, live frugally and let compound interest work for you by investing in the stock market for 40 years. At the end of all of this, you will be able to retire in style! Read More

6 years ago

Book of the Week: “The Canterbury Sisters” – 8 Women on a Journey to Find Answers and Redemption in Their Lives

Sixty and Me is a community of women on a journey to get the most of life after 60 and to release the memories and regrets that have lingered for decades. So, it is always refreshing and intriguing to get a sneak peek into the lives of eight women doing just that. Read More

6 years ago

The Crazy Truth About Retiring Abroad and Making Friends

Retiring abroad is usually portrayed as a glamorous endevour. But, today, I’d like to offer an alternative perspective on one aspect of moving to another country in retirement… how to make friends.

I’m not embarrassed by the fact that I crave human contact. Unlike my kids, who seem like they could be perfectly happy floating through space in a lonely little metal capsule, I need people around me to thrive. Read More

6 years ago

Downsizing Your Home? It’s Easier When You’re Facing the Right Direction!

Over the weekend, I was riding my bike to one of my favorite coffee shops, which is only about 10 miles away, so it’s usually an easy ride.

But on this day, the wind was blowing “like spit,” as my grandmother used to say. (Do you ever think about things people said as you were growing up that you never thought much about, and then at some point, you begin to wonder “what on earth did that mean?”) Read More

6 years ago

Why Making Friends as an Older Adult Requires a Completely New Approach to Life

Whenever I watch children playing together at the park, it always reminds me of a giant chemistry experiment. Like atoms spinning through the air, boys and girls whirl around, bumping into each other. Occasionally, they come together in small groups, only to be ripped apart by unseen forces. Read More

6 years ago

Tips for Retiring Abroad from the Sixty and Me Community

A few years ago, I left my comfortable life in Seattle, Washington, to relocate to Switzerland. Technically, I wasn’t “retiring abroad.” As the founder of Sixty and Me, I was still busy for most of the day. I was also continuing to work as a freelance consultant. So, perhaps, “semi-retirement” would be a more accurate description. Read More

6 years ago

9 Ways to Live Longer by Reaching Out to Make Women Friends

“I get by with a little help from my friends.”

Yup. They’re beyond precious, my women friends. They’ve reveled in my joys, shared my adventures and pulled me through my crises. I treasure every single one of them. Read More

6 years ago

My Love-Hate Relationship with Sundays

I saw Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again with my teen-aged daughter recently. I need to get that out of the way up front in case there are any ABBA haters out there. Yes, the film is cheesy as all get out. Read More

6 years ago

3 Ways to Cultivate a Flourishing Life Garden After 60

Are you tending to your garden of life? Each day we have the opportunity to care for our well-being by discovering more about what makes us happy, content, joyful and engaged. Are you taking advantage of your time and cultivating your life garden? Read More

6 years ago

Book of the Week: “The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society” – A Story of Resilience and Love

A few months ago, I found myself without my computer. It had been rushed to the “Apple ER” for repairs and I was told it would be five working days before I’d see it again. Read More