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Living life after 60 involves a little - or a lot - of change. It all depends on your preferences. Taking in account your interests, you can have so much fun. Enjoy this category of articles to learn about technology, hobbies, books, entertainment and more!

6 years ago

The 3 Phases of Writing and Publishing Your Own Book in Retirement

“You ought to write and publish your own book.”

If you have heard this line of encouragement from friends or family, it’s not so far-fetched now that you are retired. You may feel overwhelmed with the process, but with some guidance, you can write the book you always wanted. Read More

6 years ago

Book of the Week: State of Wonder – A Jungle Adventure of Self-Discovery

State of Wonder written by Ann Patchett was recommended by so many women in our Sixty and Me community, that I had to give it a shot. Read More

6 years ago

4 Ways to Navigate the Honeymoon Phase of Retirement

I recently heard it called The Honeymoon Phase. If you’ve chosen to work less or have left your work life behind altogether, you might recognize it.

‘It’ is that first stage of retirement that can last a few months or a few years. Read More

6 years ago

What I Learned from My Shocking First Week in Retirement

My first week into the transition stage has brought with it a full range of emotions. It started well with a three-day weekend of golf. But I then asked myself, “Does having a three-day weekend have a meaning anymore?” Read More

6 years ago

Book of the Week: “All the Light We Cannot See” – A Wartime Story with Haunting Imagery and Complex Characters

When I started reading All the Light We Cannot See, it was hard for me to ponder the places, the characters or even pay attention to the story. For several short chapters, I was simply lost in the magic of the words. Read More

6 years ago

Making Friends as an Adult – Remember that You Can’t Change People

Have you ever noticed how difficult it is to change other people? This is true even in loving relationships, where both people have an incentive to listen and respond to their partner’s needs.

It is especially true for our friends and acquaintances who, while they may care for us, are mostly interested in getting the most from their own lives. Read More

6 years ago

Tea with the Dames: Not Your Average Tea Party

While it may not seem so out of the ordinary to daydream about getting together with your three closest friends and enjoying a spot of tea and some lively conversation in the English countryside, the thought of watching four other women do the same thing seems much less appealing. Read More

6 years ago

Welcome to the Twilight Zone, a.k.a., The First Stage of Retirement

Yesterday was my last day of ‘official’ employment! I am now entering the first stage of retirement, or some might say, the “twilight zone.”

I opened up my computer and found that my company email had been blocked, my calendar had changed, and all contacts had been erased. But I also had an outpouring of well-wishes on my Facebook page that was very encouraging. Read More

6 years ago

When it Comes to Saving for Retirement, 60 is the New 50

I’m somewhat skeptical of the whole concept of “retirement.” I’ve seen far too many cases of people building up retirement as the “ultimate destination,” only to find themselves feeling lost, socially isolated and financially stretched when they finally get there. Read More

6 years ago

What Are the Best Books for 5 or 6 Year Olds? Here’s What Grandmas Have to Say

I was thinking, recently, about the books that influenced me when I was growing up. I don’t remember what I was reading – or having read to me – when I was 5, but, I do remember being obsessed with the Nancy Drew series of books when I was around 12. Read More