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Living life after 60 involves a little - or a lot - of change. It all depends on your preferences. Taking in account your interests, you can have so much fun. Enjoy this category of articles to learn about technology, hobbies, books, entertainment and more!

6 years ago

OMG! A Quick Guide to Common Social Media Abbreviations. IKR?

I am a writer and speaker so, of course, I love words.

My daily crossword is a morning ritual I miss if an unusual schedule prevents it. Read More

6 years ago

9 Major Tips for Packing and Moving in Your 60s with Grace and Style

Chances are, sometime in your 60s, the moment arrives when you have to, or want to, move out of your long-time home. Whether you’re downsizing into a smaller, easier space to care for, or charting a new lifestyle in a new place, the word ‘move’ creates dread in every heart…

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6 years ago

Group Therapy in Mature Adulthood: Good Reasons for a Get-Together

I’ve come to the conclusion, in my seventh decade, that there really is no such thing as too much fun. It seems to follow that people with more friends tend to have more fun. So, I’m branching out and meeting new people. Read More

6 years ago

Counting on Social Security Could Kill Your Future! Do These 4 Things Instead

The way that people view Social Security is strongly influenced by their age and financial position. If you are young and healthy, you may view Social Security as something that “you’ll never see” or “just a handout for older people who didn’t save.” Read More

6 years ago

Let Us Entertain You! Have You Tried Our FREE Sixty and Me Games?

Like most older women, I live a pretty active life. Despite having left my corporate career behind, I am pursuing my passions, managing my own business, helping with my grandkids and exploring the world. Read More

6 years ago

How to Make Friends as an Adult in 4 Simple Steps

As many people in their 60s have discovered, making friends as an adult is difficult. Without the social bonds that connect us to others as parents, many of us feel isolated or, even a little lonely. Read More

6 years ago

Book of the Week: The Dinner List – A Menu of Life, Love, Loss, Family and Regrets

We’ve all probably been asked, at least once in our lives, to name five people, living or dead, with whom we’d like to have dinner. Read More

6 years ago

What Life Changing Books Did You Read in Your Childhood?

When I was a little girl, I loved reading books. I remember sitting under a tree for hours, letting the images from my favorite stories fill my mind. At the time, I didn’t see reading as being serious business. Like most children, I saw books as a welcome escape from my schoolwork or household chores. Little did I know that the books that I was reading would influence my life for decades to come. It is not an exaggeration to say that many of the books that I read changed my life. Read More

6 years ago

5 Science-Backed Reasons Why Being Social Is Good for Your Health in Your 60s and Beyond

A great number of studies tells us social interaction is important and good for our health and overall well-being. Especially so among senior women.

Conversely, here’s what could happen if you neglect your social well-being: Read More

6 years ago

We’re Going Bananas for This Healthy Snickers Nicecream! (Oh… and It’s Also Crazy Delicious!)

In case you are not familiar with “nicecream” yet, pay attention because this will change your life!

Nicecream is simply healthy ice cream, made from frozen bananas. It’s also super simple to make. All you need is a food processor or blender with a powerful motor and frozen bananas. Read More