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Living life after 60 involves a little - or a lot - of change. It all depends on your preferences. Taking in account your interests, you can have so much fun. Enjoy this category of articles to learn about technology, hobbies, books, entertainment and more!

6 years ago

How to Best Remodel Your Home So You Can Age in Place Safely

Aging in place is the desire of many people but doing so comfortably can be a challenge. One of the keys to successful aging in place is to remodel your home to accommodate your needs. Read More

6 years ago

Is Paying Your Mortgage Off Before Retirement a Good Idea?

The day we close on a new house, we start looking forward to our final payment. Over the years our savings build up and retirement is in the not-so-distant future. It seems like the perfect time to pay off our mortgage and live debt-free, but is this a good idea? Join us in discussion with financial expert Pam Krueger who explains why this decision may or may not be to your advantage. Enjoy the show! Read More

6 years ago

Out with the Old! 5 Things Every Woman Should Throw Away This Spring (and 5 Things to Keep)

Yes, your cabinets or closets may need a good purging. But spring is also good time to throw away some things that don’t require a trip to Goodwill. I know you’re chomping at the bit to dig through your cupboards. But how about sorting through your clutter within, too?

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6 years ago

These 10 Healthy Food Bloggers Will Help You Surprise Your Grandkids with Your Culinary Creations

One of the nice things about getting a little older is that you finally have time to focus on your passions. In the kitchen, this means that you have the freedom to break away from the dishes that you are famous for and try something a little more surprising. Read More

6 years ago

Password Breach! Do You Know How to Protect Your Online Identity?

Unfortunately, online security intrusions are becoming more commonplace in today’s world and boomer women, just like everybody else, need to consider the safety of their online identity. Read More

6 years ago

Forget the Funny Sweater: Here Are 6 Real Benefits of Knitting

My mother was a brilliant knitter. I used to sit in awe watching her fingers fly over colored threads weaving intricate patterns. As she chatted with me while knitting, I would have the honor of helping her roll her balls of wool. It always amazed me that she could do such complicated knitting patterns while watching the television and talking to someone at the same time. Read More

6 years ago

10 Steps You Can Take to Fall in Love With Your Community

Whether you’re a newcomer or a long-time resident, there are multiple ways to experience more joy and connection in your community. Read More

6 years ago

The Beauty of Dancing Grandmothers Across Global Cultures

I recently considered returning to dance as an alternative or supplement to the running and hiking I love. I began to explore a bit, determining whether traditional ballroom might do, or perhaps something more group-oriented. Zumba, anyone? Read More

6 years ago

Potlucks for Boomers: 6 Creative Ideas for Hosting a Culinary Connection

As time goes on, we may find entertaining guests less attractive, even overwhelming. We may not have the energy or the inclination to prepare a full dinner party for a large group, nor the extra cash to foot the bill. But we still want to stay in touch and spend time with our dear friends. Read More

6 years ago

An Insider’s Guide to Retiring in Bali

I retired in Bali… can you?

Retirement crept up on me. I had excellent health, meager savings and a severe case of age-appropriate denial. Then, three friends died of cancer within eighteen months. I wasn’t yet sixty-one. All younger than I, they had unrealized dreams and unfinished lives. Read More