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Living life after 60 involves a little - or a lot - of change. It all depends on your preferences. Taking in account your interests, you can have so much fun. Enjoy this category of articles to learn about technology, hobbies, books, entertainment and more!

5 years ago

7 Priceless Tips for Retiring Abroad (#2 Could Save Your Sanity!)

International moving is not for sissies! It’s a jolt to every cell in your body. I know – I just did a reverse commute! Read More

5 years ago

How Volunteering Can Enrich Your Life After 60

What improves your quality of life? What do you need to feel content and satisfied? Researchers asked retirees what was most important to their quality of life. There were four key answers: Read More

5 years ago

Girls’ Weekends and Slumber Parties Over 60? You Bet!

Once I hit 60, I noticed my group of friends had changed. Through my mid-years it had been an even mix of men and women, mostly couples and a few singles, but now the composition had shifted to 90% women, and single women at that. Read More

5 years ago

How to Live in Luxury in Retirement… No Matter Your Budget

At International Living, we believe firmly that you don’t have to be wealthy and well-connected to lead a more interesting, international life full of adventure and travel. You simply need to know how to do it. And there’s nobody better positioned to show you than the experts at International Living. Read More

5 years ago

3 Tiny Tips for Making End of Life Admin Easier, Before It’s Too Late

Life administration is never at the top of our priority list, is it? Hopefully, we are having too much pleasure in our actual days to think about the administration that needs to happen in order for our lives to go smoothly. Read More

6 years ago

How Do You Spend Your Time and Money in Retirement?

Whether you’re retired or have chosen to work well after 60, there is plenty you can do with your free time and extra buck. Read More

6 years ago

3 End of Life Planning Essentials: A Will, Power of Attorney and Advance Directive

Today’s video discusses a difficult, delicate and absolutely unavoidable topic. Jane Duncan Rogers, the founder of the nonprofit organization Before I Go Solutions shares her wisdom concerning end of life plans for older women. Read on to learn about the legal essentials you need to ensure your end of life wishes will be honored. Read More

6 years ago

How Can Boomer Women Create New Friendships in the Tech Age?

The world and how we relate to it has rapidly changed, impacting how we interact with each other, stay in touch, and maintain an active social presence. Read More

6 years ago

What Motivates You to Live Your Life After 60 with Passion and Vibe?

“Oh my gosh, you are so lucky. I wish I could do that.”

Terri Ducay smiles. I can hear it in her voice. We’re on the phone, talking about her life. Read More

6 years ago

5 Reasons You Need an End of Life Plan (#3 Can Catch You Out!)

Do you need to be convinced that an end of life plan is a good idea for women over 60? In today’s video, Jane Duncan Rogers, the founder of the nonprofit organization Before I Go Solutions, is here to do just that! Keep reading to learn her five reasons why a good end of life plan can make your final years so much easier on you and those who care about you! Read More