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Living life after 60 involves a little - or a lot - of change. It all depends on your preferences. Taking in account your interests, you can have so much fun. Enjoy this category of articles to learn about technology, hobbies, books, entertainment and more!

5 years ago

Amazing, Affordable Getaways: 5 Places Where a Month-Long Escape Costs $1,500 (FREE Report!)

Low costs… great weather… and excellent, affordable healthcare. There are lots of benefits to giving overseas living a try. But what if you haven’t decided yet which overseas retirement haven you prefer? Or what if you don’t even know yet if this go-abroad strategy is for you?

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5 years ago

Happy Older Americans Month! Apply for a $1,500 Road Scholar Scholarship by June 30th

This year, Road Scholar is searching for 100 educators, caregivers and low-income adults who wish to experience an educational learning experience. The organization will award 100 scholarships worth $1,500 between now and June 30th…

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5 years ago

How Does the Retirement Age in Your Country Compare to Others? You Might Be Surprised!

I never really paid too much attention to the official retirement age in my country until it was so close that I could feel it breathing down my neck. I just never expected it to be an issue. I didn’t feel “old,” so, I assumed that I would just keep working forever. Read More

5 years ago

Retirement Is Awful! 3 Tips to Get You on the Positive Side of That Experience

Everyone has complaints about their work, and often, retirement seems an idyllic time of freedom from schedules and appointments with far fewer responsibilities. But, as with all phases of life, there are good and bad facets…

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5 years ago

8 Ways to Be with a Sick Friend When They Most Need It

Recently, I came down with a terrible bug that progressed quickly and mercilessly into bronchitis then asthma. I was rendered helpless for a few days, feeling too weak to venture far from my bed. Read More

5 years ago

Blending Technology with Older Traditions to Preserve Memories

Not so long ago, the way to hold onto memories was to create photo albums and scrapbooks. Today most people use apps like Facebook and tag their photos. Online backups keep photos safe indefinitely. I could go on, but you get the idea. Read More

5 years ago

Always Dreamed of Writing a Book in Your 60s? Prepare Well and Find the Perfect Writing Space

If you have decided, now that you’re in your 60s, that this is a good time to finally write the book you’ve been promising for so many years you’ve lost count, you have to start with some very basic questions: how, why, where, and when? Read More

5 years ago

How Gazingus Pin Awareness Can Save You Big Bucks After 60

Taxes aren’t handled the same worldwide. As tax time in the US has recently come and gone, my blood pressure will stabilize and profound sighs diminish. Now it’s a good time to concentrate on another money issue – namely, what we buy. Read More

5 years ago

Is Living in a Retirement Community Right for You? Here’s How to Find Out!

A few years ago, I began thinking about how I would choose to live if I could live any way that I wanted to. Read More

5 years ago

The “Commons Way” of Living Can Help Us Adjust to Changing Times

I was reading about the role of the “commons” around the world when I learned that Canada is warming up at twice the speed of other countries, and the Arctic is warming up three times faster. Read More