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Living life after 60 involves a little - or a lot - of change. It all depends on your preferences. Taking in account your interests, you can have so much fun. Enjoy this category of articles to learn about technology, hobbies, books, entertainment and more!

5 years ago

Privacy Versus Convenience: Are You Ok with Trade-Off in Our Digital World?

We have cameras and smart TVs in our homes. We plug our destinations into Google Maps. We speak to Siri, Google, and Alexa and allow them to listen in on our everyday activities. In a world of smartphones and smart homes…

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5 years ago

Entertaining Like a Millionaire on a Retirement Budget

I have long believed that taking someone into your home and giving them a meal is one of the kindest and most luxurious things you can do. The world is a noisy, busy place.

We are all involved in our own little dramas. And the act of being invited in from the cold (even when it’s hot!) is a true delight. To be treated kindly, to be fed is a luxury of the highest order. Read More

5 years ago

Fun Hobbies for Women Over 50: Organic Gardening

Reducing our exposure to unhealthy chemicals can have a positive impact on our health as we age. One of the ways that many women over 60 are looking to reduce their intake of chemicals and unhealthy food ingredients is by starting to do organic gardening in their own backyards. Read More

5 years ago

Don’t Give Up on Trying to Keep Up with Technology: The Benefits Are Worth Exploring!

Technology evolves at the pace of a speeding bullet. Recently, I was teaching an Advanced iPhone class, and there was some noted grumpiness that the next generation of software will not support iPhones…

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5 years ago

4 Retirement Benefits of the New SECURE Act – The Rules – They Are A-Changin’!

There are things brewing in Washington, DC, that may nicely “season your pot” of financial assets available for your fall season of life. The House of Representatives recently passed the SECURE…

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5 years ago

The Importance of Play in the Years After 60

Just the other day, I was walking near a park close to our home and heard what I can only describe as the joyous squeal of a toddler who’d just gone down a slide. And I’ll always remember the look of pure joy on the face…

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5 years ago

Why Being a Craftpreneur is Perfect for Older Adults… and How to Succeed

Do you have a passion for knitting, crochet, soap making, woodworking, metalworking, photography, painting or sewing? Are you looking to make a little extra money in the years leading up to – or during – retirement? Then, being a craftpreneur may be for you! Read More

5 years ago

The Surprising Benefits of Having an Organized Purse or Handbag… and How to Do it!

It’s called a purse if you’re American and a handbag if you’re English, like me. But whatever name you call it, most women carry one, and it usually contains far more items than they ever need. Read More

5 years ago

Volunteering in Retirement – Exploring the Health Benefits of Giving Back

As women of retirement age, many of us have spent our adult lives caring for families, careers or both. But our changing roles have left many of us without a meaningful sense of purpose…

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5 years ago

Stay Safe Online After 60: Understanding Social Media Privacy Laws

Do you find yourself wanting to use social media to stay in touch with loved ones but get lost in all the potential problems? Do you feel confident you understand all the ways to protect yourself from online scams? Have you been victimized or targeted because of your age demographic? Read More