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Living life after 60 involves a little - or a lot - of change. It all depends on your preferences. Taking in account your interests, you can have so much fun. Enjoy this category of articles to learn about technology, hobbies, books, entertainment and more!

5 years ago

Don’t Want to Attend Your 50th High School Reunion? 5 Authentic, Important Reasons to Go!

I can’t believe it, just as no one can believe it: the famous 50th high school reunion has cropped up on me. The sentiments have long been expressed: it went so fast. It seems like a cliché, the 50th…

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5 years ago

Want to Enjoy a New Year This Fall? Let Nothing Stop You from Writing Your Resolutions Now!

How wacky am I, right? Implying that September is the beginning of the new year. Follow me here: I think it is an even better time to make plans for productivity than the real start of the new year. Let me explain…

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5 years ago

“Don’t Talk to Strangers” Great Advice for Kids, Horrible Advice for Adults

It’s every parent’s worst nightmare. You’re sitting in your living room, waiting for your child to come home. They’re 5 minutes late. Then 15. Then the panic sets in.

As parents, we wanted to do everything we could to protect our kids from our own imagined fears. If we could have surrounded them in bubble-wrap and assigned them bodyguards, we would have.

But, since our kids would never let us get away with that, we did the next best thing. We nagged, bribed, threatened and cajoled them. We told them, in a hundred different ways, “Don’t talk to strangers.” Then, we hoped for the best. Read More

5 years ago

Living on a Cruise Ship: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly 

On the surface, living on a cruise ship sounds like heaven. Just imagine. It’s 7am and you are awoken by the sunrise and the sounds of sea birds. You stretch, throw on a robe and make your way to your balcony. Moments later, your husband returns with two cappuccinos and a carafe of fresh orange juice. Read More

5 years ago

6 Reasons to Attend Your 40th Class Reunion

Do you attend class reunions or avoid them? I have friends who regularly organize class reunions and other friends who wouldn’t go even if they were paid to attend. I’ve been on both sides – eagerly attending some reunions and dismissing others. Read More

5 years ago

Is Every Day Saturday When You Are Retired? 3 Ways to Keep Your Schedule Interesting

At the first stage of retirement, the transition stage, it is sometimes difficult to remember what day of the week it is when you wake up. For me, my pill box is my first reminder! A friend once told me that retirement meant that every day was Saturday. Read More

5 years ago

Sometimes We Grow Up, Sometimes We Just Grow Old: The Other Side of High School Reunions

A few mornings ago, Margaret Manning tossed down the gauntlet, gently as ever, for all of us to consider how our last high school reunion went. That is, of course, for those of us who chose to attend…

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5 years ago

4 Powerful Benefits of Learning a Musical Instrument After 50

When you think of a “typical” music student, you might picture a 7-year-old girl, sitting nervously in front of a piano, her tiny fingers resting lightly on the keys. Several decades ago, you may have even been that little girl…

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5 years ago

Feeling Unhappy? This Powerful Happiness Exercise Works Like Magic

Are we living where our soul feels at home? This topic resonates with many of us.

Many of us have lived in a certain place for career or family reasons. Or perhaps we lived in a place we once loved but which no longer speaks to us. Read More

5 years ago

What’s the Purrfect Pet for Boomers? Are You a Cat Person or a Dog Person?

Over the course of our lives, most of us have had our fair share of pets. At times, my house felt like a petting zoo, with dogs cats and birds all crying for my attention. Read More