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Living life after 60 involves a little - or a lot - of change. It all depends on your preferences. Taking in account your interests, you can have so much fun. Enjoy this category of articles to learn about technology, hobbies, books, entertainment and more!

5 years ago

The Art of Decluttering: How to Do It While Keeping Your Sanity and Having Fun

Most people want to age in the home they have. According to AARP, three out of four people 50-plus want to stay in their homes and communities as they age…

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5 years ago

How Downsizing Early Could Help You Save $200K Extra for Retirement

It’s not surprising that downsizing has become a big trend in the United States and other Western countries. After all, we are simply drowning in stuff! How much stuff? Well, according to the LA Times, the average U.S. household contains 300,000 items…

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5 years ago

Invite Denmark Into Your Home and Discover Hygge – The Feeling of Good Moments

Picture this: Soft music playing. Candles casting flickering shadows over the smiling faces of your close friends. A wonderful Italian pasta filling the room with delicious smells. Warm bread drenched in butter. Bottles of your favorite wine on the table. Laughter. Conversation. Read More

5 years ago

You Call It Hygge, I Call It Cruise Ship – Or How to Get Through the Long Winter

To say winters are long in Syracuse, New York, is like saying “the sun is hot.” Of course, we haven’t seen the sun in so long that you might need to use a different metaphor…

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5 years ago

Do You Maintain Your Inner Artist? She Can Help You Age Healthy!

The World Health Organization recently analyzed research from over 900 global publications and concluded that engaging with the arts and culture can significantly benefit both mental and physical health…

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5 years ago

Second Thoughts About Not Cooking – a Tale from Our Continuing Care Retirement Community

One reason I’d wanted to move into my continuing care retirement community was to stop cooking dinner. I’d grown tired of planning meals, dashing to the supermarket for missing ingredients…

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5 years ago

It’s Not Too Late If We All Contribute: 6 Areas We Can Help Save Our Planet

Last week, my reading group discussed Overstory, a Pulitzer Prize-winning novel about connections between people and trees. Author Richard Powers, a gifted writer…

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5 years ago

Are You “Dueling” with Clutter? How to Win the Battle and Get Your Life Back

Are you fighting a never-ending battle with clutter? If you think you are alone, you’re not! According to the National Association of Professional Organizers: 54% of Americans are overwhelmed by clutter…

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5 years ago

As a Boomer, Do You Feel Out of Date in Today’s Modern World?

Do you remember when you thought your parents were so out of date, it was almost embarrassing? They didn’t know anything about the music you listened to…

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5 years ago

Down with Downsizing: The Art of Rightsizing Before and During Retirement

Few trends have captured the imagination of soon-to-be retirees with as much force as downsizing. In fact, if you read most retirement blogs or books, downsizing feels like it is almost a prerequisite to moving into the next phase of your life. The truth, as I have found by managing a community of 500,000 recent retirees, is more complicated.  Read More