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Living life after 60 involves a little - or a lot - of change. It all depends on your preferences. Taking in account your interests, you can have so much fun. Enjoy this category of articles to learn about technology, hobbies, books, entertainment and more!

4 years ago

27 Ideas to Expand Your Horizons in These Times of Self-Isolation

If you’re one of the many people currently in isolation, you may be looking at the days stretching ahead with horror. What are you going to do? Here in the UK, all of us septuagenarians…

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4 years ago

4 Amazing Brands that You Can Find Exclusively at QVC

Ok, I admit it. I LOVE to shop online. Of course, like most of you, I still get out into the real world to window shop and, from time to time, I enjoy browsing through style magazines. But, when the time comes to part with my hard-earned money, I know that I will find the best deals online…

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4 years ago

Tired of Beans? Try This Super-Easy, Yummy, Immune-Boosting, Gluten-Free, Vegan, Roasted Vegetable Soup

Are you, like me, spending a lot of time in your kitchen these days, as we all ‘shelter in place’ and follow social distancing mandates during this very difficult time?

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4 years ago

#StayHome and Indulge Your Passion While You Have the Time and Opportunity

The top priority of the day for many of us in the Sixty and Me community is to stay safe and, from a distance, ensure our friends and family are safe, too. COVID-19 has changed life more…

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5 years ago

3 Recipes to Comfort You in Uncertain Times

A therapist friend once told me, “Our brains can’t process two things at once. If our hands are occupied – knitting a scarf, coloring or drawing, cooking a new recipe, decorating cookies…

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5 years ago

3 Ways You Can Choose to Modify Your Home So You Can Age in Place

While spending more time at home doesn’t seem very exciting at the moment given our pandemic, aging in place is still a popular goal…

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5 years ago

Giving Has Changed and You Need to Get Involved Now

True wealth is found no place else but in the joy of giving. Look past your fears and start positioning for the opportunities that lie around the corner…

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5 years ago

New to Virtual Communication? Here’s How to Get Started with Video Meetings

In times like these, we must roll with the changes. While we can’t go out for dinner with friends or sit in a conference room for a meeting, we are fortunate to live in a digital age…

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5 years ago

Watching More TV These Days? Let’s Remember Children’s TV Programmes from Our Past

In these new and – as everyone says – ‘unprecedented’ times, we are all stuck indoors, with a lot of time on our hands. I don’t know about you, but I am watching a lot more television than usual…

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5 years ago

2 Grammar Points to Help You Out if You’re Spending the Quarantine Doing Some Writing

One of the “silver linings” people are mentioning regarding the Coronavirus quarantine is that they finally have time to write. This can be your opportunity to flesh out the plot for that novel…

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