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Living life after 60 involves a little - or a lot - of change. It all depends on your preferences. Taking in account your interests, you can have so much fun. Enjoy this category of articles to learn about technology, hobbies, books, entertainment and more!

4 years ago

4 Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me About Retiring Abroad as an American

About 10 years ago, I left my comfortable life in the U.S. behind and boarded a plane to retire abroad… first in the U.K. and, eventually, in Switzerland. As I stood there with 8 suitcases to my name, I could not have imagined…

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4 years ago

Are You Among the Lucky Ones in the Pandemic? 7 Ideas to Pass on Your Government Issued Stimulus Fund

My husband and I are coping well as we stay at home during the pandemic. We’re actually enjoying this break from our usual busy schedules, starting each day with a morning walk with a few neighbors…

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4 years ago

The Big 6 Habits Everyone Needs to Develop to Become a Writer

We’ve all been cooped up for what seems like a very long time now, and many of us are starting to think about that long neglected dream we’ve never had the time to pursue…

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4 years ago

My 10 Indispensable Tools for Sheltering at Home

Just as you wouldn’t travel to Europe without packing a suitcase or go to the beach without bringing a swimsuit, so you need the proper tools to shelter at home…

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4 years ago

Easy and Fun Essential Oil Hacks You Can Use Every Day

Every essential oil available on the market has dozens of uses. Even if you are an essential oil expert, there are probably a few oil hacks you haven’t heard about yet…

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4 years ago

7 Things I Want in My Home in my 70s

For 45 years, my husband and I have been moving. We usually have had a project. Sometimes, rearranging to make room for another child. Other times, buying a “fixer-upper” so we could afford more space. Read More

4 years ago

How to Organize Your Home After Clearing Out the Clutter

Clutter clearing is all about sorting through your belongings to decide what stays and what goes. In my Fast Track Clutter Clearing online course, I teach highly effective methods for doing this.

At the end of the process you are left with all the items you want to keep, and this is where the motto “A place for everything and everything in its place” comes in. Read More

4 years ago

What Can We Do to Help: Virtual Volunteering in Quarantine

From my “virtual headquarters” at home in California, I’ve been in touch with friends around the world from: England, India, Nicaragua, Israel, Bulgaria, Switzerland, Germany, and across the US…

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4 years ago

How to Use the Internet to Feel Like a Millionaire

Who wants to be a millionaire? We all do. What does that mean? For me it means not worrying about money, doing what I want and enjoying the luxuries that life has to offer. Read More

4 years ago

Pandemic Lessons from Joel – A Fine Young Man Who Happens to Have Down Syndrome

Our son, Joel, turned 40 last fall. He is engaged to the love of his life, Sarah. They have big plans for a wedding and for setting up house together. When that will happen is undetermined…

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