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Living life after 60 involves a little - or a lot - of change. It all depends on your preferences. Taking in account your interests, you can have so much fun. Enjoy this category of articles to learn about technology, hobbies, books, entertainment and more!

4 years ago

Why You Should Cancel Your Cable TV and Save Money – and Possibly Your Health!

A 2019 study done in the United States showed that the average monthly cable bill was US$217 including fees. I then did my own unscientific Canadian survey by checking with a few friends and was informed they paid…

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4 years ago

Pandemic Gardening: How to Grow Vegetables in Containers

Once upon a time I lived on 10 acres, and we grew all our own vegetables. Then I moved into town, where I built raised beds and grew corn, tomatoes, salad veggies, and squash. Now I am retired, and I live in a tiny house by the seaside…

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4 years ago

A Boomer’s Guide to Taking the Perfect Selfie – Millennials Should Not Have All the Fun!

Do you hate your selfies? I guess the answer to that question is: if you’re a millennial, you love your selfies. If you are over a certain age, yes, you hate them. It doesn’t have to be this way! Read More

4 years ago

How the French Make Entertaining Appear So Simple (RECIPE)

Imagine for just a moment that Covid-19 doesn’t exist. Let’s return to the days when we used to throw dinner parties for friends and family at our homes. Now let’s look forward to the days when we will be hosting dinner parties again…

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4 years ago

Eating Out – An Occasional Pleasure or a Pleasurable Occasion?

Until we all went into lockdown – the ‘before’ period that feels like another time altogether – I used to love to eat out. Although I am a moderately good cook (and my husband a willing sous-chef), there is so much to be said for it…

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4 years ago

What If You Could Change Someone’s World?

For these past several months, like many of you, I have been operating virtually through Zoom, FaceTime, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and Skype. Many people have experienced this as exhausting. I understand that position…

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4 years ago

Pandemics, Hurricanes… Oh My!

Not all hurricanes are created equal, but in Miami, we take all of them very seriously, especially since August 16, 1992, when Hurricane Andrew devastated our city. After being in self-isolation since March, it was alarming for me…

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4 years ago

Summer Book Recommendations

I walk, cook, FaceTime with my granddaughter, and play an occasional game of golf. And read. When I can’t travel and explore like I used to, books are my next favorite way to escape to unfamiliar destinations and immerse…

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4 years ago

The Era of Masks: How to Connect with Half a Face

I love that the month of August celebrates National Smile day. Smiling is powerful. It releases a flurry of feel-good hormones that elevate our mood, decrease stress, and reduce anger. And when people see our smile…

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4 years ago

5 Creative Ways to Find Your Next Great Book to Read

Reaching the end of a great book is a bittersweet moment. If the story was fiction, and the characters spoke to your heart, then it’s an emotional high to complete their journey with them. Read More