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What Causes Osteoporosis and How to Increase Bone Strength as We Get Older

When we think of bones, we think of off-white, hard, stiff and unchanging objects. However, our bones are very much a living and dynamic tissue. They provide the structure of our bodies that enables us to move.

Our bones are attachment point for muscles, protect vital organs and provide a reservoir for calcium. Tightly regulated in our blood, calcium controls many of our cellular actions. This includes the contraction and relaxation of muscle cells.

Bones are constantly remodelling, in response to the stresses they experience, and the need for more or less calcium in the blood. Cells called osteoclasts activate to break down areas of bone in response to hormonal signals, and osteoblasts create more bone.

When there is more bone resorption than bone creation, osteoporosis occurs. Osteoporosis is a health disorder where bones become fragile, which is why people with osteoporosis are at increased risk for fractures.

Osteoporosis is a common condition that affects around 25% of women aged 50 and older. Luckily, there are steps you can take today to protect your bones as you age.

What Causes Osteoporosis?

Bone density peaks in around our late 20s or early 30s and starts to decline with age. It is affected by diet, activity levels, smoking and hormones, which is why women who have undergone early menopause are at increased risk for osteoporosis.

There are some other, rarer conditions that can also cause osteoporosis, such as certain medications or specific hormone conditions.

How Do We Diagnose It?

There are two ways to diagnose osteoporosis. The first involves a minimal trauma fracture. An example would be a fracture from a fall at standing height. The other way is through screening to measure bone density.

Why Is Osteoporosis Not Just About the Bones?

There has been a significant shift in the conceptualisation of osteoporosis in recent years to recognise that muscle and bone are an inter-dependent unit. We know osteoporosis is common, but around 30% of women over 60 have a related condition called sarcopenia.

Sarcopenia is a loss of muscle mass and function. In 2016, the WHO recognized it as a disease. Women with osteosarcopenia are at high risk for life-changing falls and fractures, which can be a trigger for a life-changing decline in independence.

Why Is Calcium Not Enough?

Studies of calcium supplementation for osteoporosis prevention have been disappointing. Even though bones derive a lot of their strength from calcium, multiple studies have shown that calcium intake is not sufficient for prevention of osteoporosis.

This is because bones are a dynamic tissue, acutely sensitive to stimuli from everyday life. Without stimuli to promote increased bone strength, a high calcium intake is not likely to promote formation of stronger bone.

What Can You Do to Increase Bone Strength?

A study conducted in 2017 has shown that strength training with weights can improve bone density in older women with low bone mass.

In this study, a group of postmenopausal women was recruited, and half were assigned to low intensity exercise, while the other half were assigned to supervised weight training.

The group assigned to weight training had an increase in bone density, while the low intensity group actually declined over the eight months of the study.

Walking Is Not Enough

Unfortunately, walking alone is unlikely to increase bone strength because it doesn’t provide sufficient stimulus to cause more bone formation.

Better alternatives are jumping, or even marching on the spot. It only takes 50 loads per session at a minimum of three times per week to see this benefit.

These exercises will also benefit muscle strength and reduce the risks of sarcopenia and falls. And if you don’t fall, it is much harder to get a fracture!

As always, exercise should be safe and enjoyable, so if you are not used to doing these types of exercises, it is always good to check in with your doctor. There are so many vibrant and active women who are enjoying energetic lives, even with osteoporosis.

Whether you have the condition or not, including regular aerobic exercise and strength training are integral to maintaining vitality for as long as possible, with the bonus of improving wellbeing today.

Let’s Have a Conversation:

Have you been diagnosed with osteoporosis? What exercise do you do to maintain vitality in your life and ensure wellbeing in your 60s? Please share your favourites in the comments below.

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I recently have been diagnosed with osteoarthritis. I see my Primary Doctor in two weeks to discuss medication options. I have been doing a lot of research about taking a medication and it doesn’t seem to bring much improvement. Can someone respond?! I’m also getting my weights out…wish I never stopped kayaking. 💪💊🏋️

Joyce Ramsay

Hi Donna. I also have been diagnosed with osteoarthritis and last August underwent a complete knee replacement. This has been a life-changer. And not in a good way. I am in constant pain and have had my sleep pattern ruined, and mobility is adversely affecting my other joints as they compensate for my new duck-like gait. Unless you have 100% trust in a surgeon, avoid this route at all costs and do anything to avoid medication if possible. Weights are good. Keep educating yourself. It is your body and doctors to me seem to fail to take in the holistic approach. It is piecemeal at best. Good luck.


I am so sorry that you had a negative experience with your total knee replacement. I’ve had 2 and they’ve been life changers for me. I have osteoarthritis and Osteoporosis. It definitely took me a while to recuperate. (first one was in 2020 at 71 and second was in 2022 at 73). At 75 I’ve been walking and doing strength training at the gym and feeling strong! I think the key is the surgeon. Mine was recommended by so many people and he has done many, many of these surgeries including one for my husband. Please get a second opinion on your knee- you shouldn’t be in so much pain.


Osteoarthritis is not osteoporosis, the latter being the topic of this article. There are effective medications for osteoporosis. There are no treatments that stop or reverse osteoarthritis, just pain meds. I don’t take pain meds for my osteoarthritis as nothing seems to work. Exercise, (PT is good to pursue) and relaxation techniques are useful. Keeping my weight down and eating a healthful diet have been useful for me as that reduces inflammation and the weight my joints have to carry.


Thanks for this article. I recently read an article on this site where the author stated that they “HATE GYMS” in capital letters. This author also stated that 30 minutes of walking was enuf to stay fit. My replied comment was met with adversion. Studies clearly show that 30 minutes of walking does not meet the requirments to maintain health. So, thanks again for giving strength training a “scientific” plug. Life gets alot harder when you loose the only thing that brings true happiness. Your health is the real GOLD. Take good care, Tracy

Clara Long

Vibration platforms work wonders to build back bone density! Affordable quality ones can be had at (I am a loyal customer only.)


Me too! love my vibration plate!


I am 69 and have found the combo work of Barre3 to be helpful, flexible and fun! Whether in studio or online, very clear instruction with a mindful motivation for cardio, strength and core/balance fitness work. Have been doing almost daily for 6 years post-Covid online. Give the online options a look – affordable and enjoyable.

Debra C.

Hi Dee,
Can you give me more input on barre3? I just turned 73, have been intrigued by barre, but never fully investigated it. I do fast walking for cardio, some strength training, but with no specific plan or help.
All of us over 60 gals need to improve balance and strength and cardio and I see that barre3 incorporated all 3.
Thanks so much.


thanks Dee for this tip! will definitely check this out!

The Author

Dr. Kate Gregorevic is a geriatrician and PhD candidate. Her research interests include frailty, healthy aging and illness recovery. She loves sharing the latest evidence-based healthy living tips specific to women in their sixties and beyond. Kate has three children and relaxes with yoga. Visit her website at

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