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6 Countries to Consider When Traveling Solo as a Senior Woman

By Sue Rudolph April 17, 2023 Travel

Traveling solo as a senior can be a thrilling and liberating experience. However, some destinations may be more challenging than others. Here, we will explore some of the top senior-friendly destinations for solo travelers.


Canada is a safe and welcoming destination for senior solo travelers. The country offers a diverse range of attractions, from the natural beauty of the Canadian Rockies to vibrant cities like Toronto and Montreal. Canada’s healthcare system is also excellent, providing a sense of security for senior travelers.

New Zealand

New Zealand provides a perfect destination for senior female solo travelers who love nature and outdoor adventures. The country offers breathtaking scenery, diverse landscapes, and a peaceful environment. Senior travelers can hike or cruise through the Milford in Queenstown, or relax in the hot springs of Rotorua.


Ireland is a charming and friendly destination for senior solo travelers. The country offers stunning natural landscapes, quaint villages, and lively cities like Dublin and Galway. Senior travelers can explore ancient castles, taste traditional Irish whiskey, and take scenic walks along the coastal cliffs of Moher.


Australia offers a range of exciting and unique experiences for solo travelers. The country boasts a rich cultural heritage, diverse landscapes, and a laid-back lifestyle. Senior travelers can explore the country’s stunning beaches, rainforests, and outback while enjoying its vibrant cities like Sydney and Melbourne.


Japan is a unique and fascinating destination for senior solo travelers. The country offers a blend of ancient traditions, modern technology, and stunning natural beauty. Senior travelers can experience Japanese cuisine, visit historic temples, and explore vibrant cities like Tokyo and Kyoto.


Spain is a vibrant and lively destination for senior solo travelers. The country offers a rich culture, stunning architecture, and delicious cuisine. Senior female travelers can savor tapas, explore historic sites like the Alhambra Palace, or relax on the beaches of the Costa del Sol.

Senior female solo travelers have a variety of destinations to choose from. Besides the ones mentioned above, there are many other countries that offer natural beauty, cultural diversity, and opportunities for adventure and relaxation. Portugal, Italy, and Croatia are among those countries that provide safe and exciting experiences for those of you who want to explore the world. Joining a guided tour or taking a cruise is a great way to meet people and make friends while traveling.

Let’s Have a Conversation:

I would love to hear your thoughts. Have you travelled solo? What destinations have you visited? What was your experience like?

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I have travelled to Morocco, Tunisia, Jordan, Israel, and all European countries including those in Eastern Europe, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, points in USA, Argentina, Uruguay, with no problems but I am a senior!


That is awesome.


TRAVELLING ALONE – I’ve traveled alone for many years and had a wonderful time!! Been to UK and Switzerland and had the best time.

Last edited 1 year ago by Dorothea
Sue Rudolph

That is awesome. Good for you. I also enjoy traveling alone.

Brooke Johnson Suiter

I have traveled widely as a single woman in some of those places as well as in Italy and will be going to Portugal next month. In England, I found restaurants wont seat a single woman at night. I just ate a good lunch and bought an apple to have with tea in my room. I was fine in France, Spain and Italy as well as Ireland, Canada, Wales and Scotland. Knowing a few gracious words and phrases really helps. Staying in small B nBs or guesthouses also worked well as they took a real interest in helping.


I have traveled solo to Italy, Spain and Scotland and felt very safe.


Am interested to read that a single woman can’t book at a restaurant at night in England. I wonder where this was, because I’m English and have never heard of this happening. And please, if you come to England, come north if you have time. Visit places like the Lake District, Yorkshire Dales, York, Stratford, Chester, Liverpool etc etc It’s a beautiful country and so much more than ‘just’ London!


I am from Manchester and we are very welcoming, lots to see and do x


I haven’t traveled solo in any of the countries mentioned, but I would also think of Italy as a safe place to travel as a single woman, simply because the Italian people are welcoming to tourists in general, open to helping if you need it, and they don’t seem to mind if you don’t speak their language well. If you try, they love you. All my experiences there were positive ones.


I agree. I have traveled to Italy solo.


Slovenia is very safe. It’s a lovely country of two million people and it’s charming capital is Ljubljana. I would also add The Netherlands and Belgium to your list. I have traveled solo for more than 30 years


That is good to know. I have not yet traveled to those places.


SCOTLAND! Beautiful, friendly, safe and welcoming Scotland. Can’t wait to go back!

Mary Falkowski

Good to hear! Plan to go there soon.


Yes, I was in Scotland solo in 2019 and it is very safe and friendly


I second Scotland as a great destination for solo women travelers! I’ve been alone several times. Kind helpful people!

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The Author

Sue Rudolph is the owner of Absolutely Amazing Travel. Since 1994, she has been helping travelers who want to experience a destination, not just see it. She creates itineraries to exotic locations where you will meet the locals, immerse yourself in the culture, and get up close to nature and wildlife. Find out more at Amazing Travel.

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