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Yoga for Seniors

Yoga for seniors is a great way to reduce stress, sleep better and remove everyday aches and pains. But, where should you start? Should you try chair yoga? Should you buy a gentle yoga DVD? Or, should you perhaps find a local yoga class in your city? This section will help you get started on your yoga journey.

11 years ago

Up Against the Wall: Easy Wall Yoga for Seniors

If you have been postponing trying yoga for seniors because you lack the correct equipment, that excuse is about to crumble. Mats, blankets, blocks and straps can make nice additions to yoga practice, but they aren’t strictly necessary. All you need for the following yoga poses is your breath, a willingness to move and a smooth wall. Here are a few easy yoga poses you can do at home. Read More

11 years ago

Down with Chairs! Using Yoga for Arthritis

You are probably endangering your health even as you read this article. No, we’re not talking about whatever food or beverage you may be consuming.

While eating right is certainly important to achieving wellness, there’s another equally important factor that is rarely mentioned in the news: where and how you sit. Read More

11 years ago

How Can I Sleep Better? Try Yoga for Insomnia

If, like many women our age, you are having trouble sleeping at night, yoga for insomnia may be just the ticket! Not only can the breathing exercises help you to relax, but, the poses can remove many of the aches and pains that keep you awake at night. Read More

11 years ago

Yoga for Gardeners: Easy Yoga Routines You Can Enjoy Outside

Growing beautiful flowers or a bounty of fresh veggies in your garden shouldn’t come at the cost of aches and pains in your body. If you take the time to stretch before you leave the garden, you will feel more like a nature sylph and less like a stooped garden gnome. Read More

11 years ago

How to Get Started with Gentle Yoga

Don’t let the ads for yoga products fool you. Contrary to the Madison Avenue version, the reality is that most yoga classes contain people of a wide range of ages and body types. Read More

11 years ago

3 Surprising Health Benefits of Yoga for Seniors

Medical research is still in the process of scientifically validating all of the health benefits of the 5,000-year old practice of yoga. However, medical evidence has already established that yoga offers specific benefits related to some health conditions. If you still classify yoga as “that thing my daughter does to stretch and relax”, you may be surprised at how valuable role yoga can play in health care. Yoga can reduce symptoms and improve overall wellness for people with serious and/or chronic illnesses. Here’s just a brief summary of what yoga can do for your health.

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12 years ago

Stretch Yourself with These 6 Fantastic Yoga Retreats

As women, we tend to spread our energies in a thousand directions without noticing, until one day we realize the well has run dry. At Sixty and Me, we think it’s time you focused your attention on your own well-being. Transformational vacations are all the rage, so we scoured the globe and handpicked six fabulous yoga retreats we think you’ll love. Read More