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Yoga for Seniors

Yoga for seniors is a great way to reduce stress, sleep better and remove everyday aches and pains. But, where should you start? Should you try chair yoga? Should you buy a gentle yoga DVD? Or, should you perhaps find a local yoga class in your city? This section will help you get started on your yoga journey.

7 years ago

10 Steps to Improve Your Life After 50 Through Deliberate Breathing

Anyone who has ever done Pilates or taken a Yoga class knows that one of the great benefits derived from those types of classes is the relaxation and sense of well-being that comes from an hour of deep, deliberate breathing. Read More

7 years ago

4 Ways Balance Exercises Can Change Your Life After 50

In my experience, most older adults don’t think about the importance of balance exercises until they have a scare. Perhaps, like me, they experience a fall. Or, maybe they see an older relative struggling to stay independent because of his or her lack of balance. Read More

7 years ago

Want to Improve Your Fitness After 50? Start with Your Balance!

I’m not going to sugar-coat it – achieving a high level of physical fitness after 50 is tough. As the founder of Sixty and Me, a community of over 500,000 baby boomer women, I have seen firsthand how people our age struggle to lose weight, strengthen our bodies, get flexible and improve our physical appearance. Read More

7 years ago

7 Ways to Feel More Confident When Practicing Yoga

Upon stepping into her first yoga class in 15 years, my friend Robin removed her shoes, looked around and immediately wanted to slip her shoes back on and run out the door. Read More

8 years ago

Is Yoga for the Elderly Really a Good Idea?

A few days ago, I received a wonderful email from an 84-year-old woman who had purchased our gentle yoga DVDs. Read More

8 years ago

98-Year-Old Yogi Proves that Yoga for Seniors is Both Powerful and Beautiful

I’ve never been much of a fan girl. I had a mild crush on David Soul back in the day. Remember him from Starsky and Hutch? My father paid for me and my mum to go and hear him sing at the Birmingham Hippodrome. What a dish he was! But I never had pictures of pop stars up in my room like all my friends did. I was a more serious teen!
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8 years ago

The Frustrating Truth About Yoga for Seniors DVDs

A few years ago, not long after I started Sixty and Me, I found myself looking for a yoga for seniors DVD. Like many women my age, I was feeling a little stiff after six decades of walking, working, raising a family and traveling. When I was in my 20s, I spent a year backpacking through India, reading, exploring and doing yoga. Now, 40-years-later, I was ready to give my body the love and attention that it deserved. Read More

8 years ago

Stop! Don’t Buy a Yoga for Seniors DVD Until You Ask These 4 Questions

Buying the best yoga for seniors DVD for your unique body, history and goals is harder than you think.

For starters, the word “seniors” means different things to different people. This is not just a matter of age. Some 80-year-olds that I know are flexible and full of energy. At the same time, I know 50-year-olds that spend 6 hours a day in front of the TV. Read More

8 years ago

4 Benefits of Yoga for Seniors that Have Nothing to Do with Flexibility

If you asked most people to list the benefits of yoga, “getting flexible” would be a popular answer. After all, the image – some would say the illusion – of a yoga practitioner is a young 20-something person twisting herself into a pretzel. In reality, the benefits of yoga, especially for seniors, go way beyond flexibility…

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8 years ago

The True Power of Gentle Yoga for Older Adults – One Woman’s Surprising Story (Video)

Most of us have read articles about how gentle yoga can help older adults to get flexible, stay calm and reduce stress. But, it isn’t until you meet someone whose life has been profoundly by this ancient practice that the power of gentle yoga really starts to sink in. Read More