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Video Blog

10 years ago

Want to Find Meaning in Life After 60? Mean Something to Others!

For most of us, the decades of our lives are a blur. Looking back, it’s easy to feel mixed emotions. On the one hand, we have lived exciting and varied lives. Read More

10 years ago

The Truth About Being Introverted or Extroverted that Most of Us Find Out Too Late

When you think about the word “extrovert,” what comes to mind? Read More

10 years ago

Downsizing is All About Saying “Yes!”

Over the years, we accumulate a lot of stuff. Since we live in a consumer-oriented society, this is probably inevitable. We buy homes and decorate them with furniture. Clothing is a constant source of amusement and distraction as we adjust our style to the latest trends. Then, in our 60s, we suddenly start to think about downsizing. Read More

10 years ago

The Benefits of Knitting Include Time Travel

There is something primitive and wondrous about making something out of nothing. Women understand this on a deeply psychological level. Perhaps this is due to the fact that we are capable of creating life. Or, maybe our varied roles throughout history have taught us the value of being resourceful and creative. Read More

10 years ago

Trust Life a Bit and Don’t Give Up on Finding Love After 50

There is a powerful quote by Maya Angelou that says “To those who have given up on love, I say trust life a little bit.”  In the past, when I have shared this quote with the women in our community, I have been met with sad, almost cynical responses. Read More

10 years ago

The Joy of Aging Disgracefully

Last night, as I was having dinner with some friends, we started talking about the process of getting older. Go figure! We may have been in our 60s, but, we didn’t look over 60 – and we certainly didn’t feel over 60. Read More