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Video Blog

9 years ago

The Secret Ways that Childhood Books Influence Our Lives

I love books. I always have. When I was younger, books were my escape, my education and my entertainment. They allowed me to grow and learn and to slip into places to discover parts of myself that were not defined by the outside world. Read More

9 years ago

Looking Back with a Smile – What Was the Happiest Moment in Your Life?

What was the happiest moment of your life? It’s a harder question that it appears on the surface. Happiness is an abstract concept and one that is difficult to measure. Its source is also a mystery. Read More

10 years ago

“Creative and Bold” or “Classic and Romantic”? What’s Your Personal Style?

Style and personality are unique to every woman and, over the years, we unconsciously establish preferences that reflect the essence of who we are. Read More

10 years ago

Celebrate You! What’s the Best Thing You Bought Yourself This Year?

Shopping is a necessary part of life and, by the time we turn 60, we are pretty good at it. We know what we like, what make us happy and, for the most part, we know where to go to get it! Read More

10 years ago

Let’s Go on a Fantasy Trip Together!

Are you a passionate traveller or someone who prefers to stay close to home? All of us dream of seeing far off places, but, even if you don’t have a lot of money, there are plenty of travel options available. Read More

10 years ago

Anti-Aging Reality Check – Do Women Over 60 Really Want to Look Younger?

Seeing young women advertising anti-aging creams has always annoyed me. Their skin is already flawless. What “improvements” could they possibly desire? I realize, of course, that I may not be in the target audience for most anti-aging creams. Women who are under extreme pressure to look useful are usually in their 30s or 40s. Read More

10 years ago

What Career Would You Choose if You Had it All to Do Over Again?

Ok, so, it turns out that a career doesn’t actually last a lifetime. In fact, the experts say that the average American can expect to have up to 11 jobs. Read More

10 years ago

Controlling Your Digital Afterlife: What Happens on Facebook After You Pass Away?

Have you ever thought about your digital afterlife? You should! Most of us check in with Facebook every day to see what our friends and family are doing, watch funny videos and see the day’s news. Read More

10 years ago

What’s in a Name? Are We Seniors, Baby Boomers or Something Else?

If there’s one thing that people in their 60s hate, it’s being labelled. After all, we have fought back against stereotypes and boundaries all our lives. Now, as we get a little older, we want to be treated as individuals and tend to reject group names. Read More

10 years ago

What Does Our Changing Perception of Beauty Say About Our Values?

Humans are social creatures and we are aware (sometimes painfully so) of the ways that we are perceived by others. Read More