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Travel Tips and Plans

Which countries offer the best medical tourism options? Where can you find cheap hotel rooms? Do senior travel discounts still exist? These are a few of the questions that we attempt to answer in our travel tips section.

8 years ago

Train Travel Tips from the Man in Seat 61 (Video)

Like many women in our community, I love trains. In fact, I enjoy traveling by train more than any other form of transportation. I love the conversations that trains encourage, the stunning vistas that they offer and the opportunities for reflection and personal growth that they support. Read More

8 years ago

Five Great Train Journeys for Women Like Us (Video)

Setting aside the usual aging stereotypes, it’s clear that women over 60 love to travel. We love to explore the world and find new adventures. We love embracing new cultures and meeting new people.

But, this raises an interesting question. What is our favorite way to travel? Do the majority of us like to fly to exotic destinations? Or, would most of us prefer to travel by train? Read More

8 years ago

Tips for Finding the Best Senior Travel Discounts on Train Tickets (Video)

Is it still possible to find amazing senior travel discounts? This was the question that I posed to train expert, Mark Smith during our last interview. After all, if anyone would know how to find the best travel deals, it’s Mark. Read More

8 years ago

The Man in Seat 61 on Train Travel in Europe as an Older Adult (Video)

One thing that I know about the women in our community is that we love to travel. Of course, we may not always get to jet off to exotic destinations, but, we take every opportunity that we can to see the world. This could include taking a cruise, traveling by train or just driving to see the grandkids in the next city. Read More

8 years ago

Are You Ready to Try House Sitting? Here’s How to Find Out

House sitting has been around for years. Maybe you assisted your family and friends by feeding their pets, looking after their homes and collecting their mail whilst they were away.

So why is “house sitting” the new buzz word when we have been doing it for years? Read More

9 years ago

Packing Challenge: 3 Weeks – 2 Climates – 1 Bag

Last year, as I prepared for a spring trip to Europe, I thought about all of the different activities and climates I would need to plan for. There would be sunny beaches in Spain, cold and wet hikes in Ireland and of course the fantastic dinners and dances with my friends. Read More

9 years ago

What Travel Essentials Will You Never Leave Home Without?

I remember the day that I added a “money belt” to my list of travel essentials like it was yesterday. A few years ago, I was visiting some friends in Milan, when someone bumped into me in a crowded street. I looked around, annoyed at being almost knocked over, but, I couldn’t see who was responsible. Read More

9 years ago

6 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Trying Medical Tourism

Medical tourism involves leaving your home country to seek medical or dental care abroad. This is often done for cost reasons. Alternatively, some people simply want to combine their medical procedures with a well-deserved vacation. Read More

9 years ago

Why Are There So Many Senior Travel Scams? How Can You Protect Yourself?

We’ve all heard the stories – seniors scammed by telemarketers offering travel deals, or victimized by high-pressure salespersons. Travel scammers are out there, and they seem to have seniors in their sights. Why? Read More

9 years ago

These 6 Solo Travel Tips Could Save Your Life – Advice for Women Traveling Alone

There was a time when solo travel for women was unheard of. Well, not anymore!

Baby boomer women today are challenging stereotypes and living life on their own terms. They are exploring the world, even if they don’t have someone to travel with. Read More