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Travel Tips and Plans

Which countries offer the best medical tourism options? Where can you find cheap hotel rooms? Do senior travel discounts still exist? These are a few of the questions that we attempt to answer in our travel tips section.

4 years ago

How Literature Can Help You Prepare for Your Next Holiday

We’re all feeling a little hemmed in right now; not sure where to turn or how we can plan for the future. For some of us, these may be the retirement years in which we planned to travel extensively; while for those of us who…

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4 years ago

Seniors Guide to the Top 10 U.S. National Parks

One thing we love about getting older is that we have more free time. Free time to do more of the things we love. Do you love traveling and exploring? We sure do! Trips to beautiful tropical destinations are definitely popular…

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4 years ago

5 Tips for Skip-Gen Travel in the Age of Covid-19

Perhaps you are a “newbie” to skip-gen travel, and this was the summer you planned to take that first special trip with your grandchild. Or perhaps you are a seasoned skip-gen traveler and were looking forward to another great trip…

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4 years ago

How to Make the Most of Local Attractions When You Can’t Go Far from Home

Many of us do not know when we will be able to travel again internationally or even further afield in our own country. If you are like me, I am feeling like I have cabin fever. I want to be able to get out and explore…

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4 years ago

Turn Your Dreams Into Future Travel Plans

Being an Experiential Travel Advisor, I can tell you that business is a little slow right now. So, while I have some downtime, I would like to share with you just what experiential travel is all about. To put it simply, it is the difference between…

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4 years ago

Travel Restrictions Will Lift – Where Are You Going First?

If you love to travel, it’s quite likely that you have had plans affected by the pandemic. If you’d been dreaming of a particular trip, you’re probably kicking yourself for waiting. Yet as restrictions start to relax, it’s hard to balance the desire to travel…

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4 years ago

Spice Up Your Life During Isolation: Recreate Holiday Memories Through Food!

How have you managed with food shopping and cooking during lockdown? Have you resorted to churning out the same old comfort food, or have you been slightly more adventurous? Many like the idea of emerging from lockdown…

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4 years ago

6 Ways to Make Your Next Travel Adventure a Remote One

Marion and Roger, a pair of Brits from 40 miles west of London, boarded the ship carefully. They’re in their 70s, and both are intrepid travelers. Read More

5 years ago

How World Crises Can Wreck Our Normal Routines for Visiting Family

Yesterday my mother called me. I live in Oklahoma, and she lives in Florida. Our regular routine is this: I fly to Florida in October to celebrate her birthday. She flies to Oklahoma in May to celebrate mine…

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5 years ago

6 Things You Should Keep in Mind as Coronavirus Travels, Too

If you’ve got plans to go on your trip of a lifetime this spring or summer, there’s no doubt news of the uninvited Coronavirus has crossed your path. As an expert in the Travel Industry…

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