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Travel Tips and Plans

Which countries offer the best medical tourism options? Where can you find cheap hotel rooms? Do senior travel discounts still exist? These are a few of the questions that we attempt to answer in our travel tips section.

2 years ago

Want to Share Your Adventures with Others? This Is a Great Audience!

This year marks the 150th anniversary of the establishment of Yellowstone National Park. I have been quite fortunate to live close to the park most of my life and have enjoyed multiple yearly journeys to our country’s first national park over the last 5+ decades…

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3 years ago

The Galapagos: My Love Adventure

It was a long day! I flew from the west coast in the US. Most flights connect through Panama, a delightful airport. Then it is on to Guayaquil, Ecuador. If you make the same trip, I recommend spending a day there if you can. It is the largest city in Ecuador…

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3 years ago

How to Get an Authentic Travel Experience in Italy

Authentic travel. We’re all talking about it but what exactly makes a trip authentic? And more to the point, is it really possible to find authenticity on a fleeting one- or two-week holiday – and particularly if we’re partial to a touch of luxury?

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3 years ago

Finding – And Appreciating – Little Miracles in the Midst of a Crazy World

Sometimes, experiencing a “little miracle” through the eyes of a child can restore hope and renew our faith in the goodness of life as well. I recently had such an experience with two of my granddaughters…

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3 years ago

Boomer Travel: Getting Along with Your Travel Partner

Boomers spend decades working toward retirement and an easier and freer life. Travel for Boomers has always been a ubiquitous rite of passage for their future. Yet, when you arrive at this most important part of your life, the ability to see the world…

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3 years ago

Do You Travel with a First Aid Kit?

First aid kits. Do you travel with one? If so, is it regularly updated before you venture off on your well-deserved vacation? We have been travelling with a small first aid kit since 2013…

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3 years ago

Enjoy Thailand Before the Tourists Return

If you’ve ever longed to visit Thailand or, like most people who’ve been there, you long to return – now is a great time. After a few false starts upended by waves of Covid, Thailand is removing barriers and welcoming back foreign tourists…

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3 years ago

Broaden Your Travel Horizons in 2022!

For me, one of the downsides to the pandemic was the narrowing of our horizons, so the strong signs that we’re getting back on track in terms of exploring the world again is brilliant news for all of us. I’ve just managed to squeeze in a…

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3 years ago

3 Ways to Stay Fit While Traveling

Welcome to 2022! Are you planning a post-holiday winter getaway? Maybe your bags are packed, your itinerary is planned, and your accommodations are set. However, you may be wondering how you can maintain your fitness routine as you travel…

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3 years ago

5 Bucket List Travel Destinations for 2022

As we leave 2020 behind, there are many reasons to be optimistic and, dare I say it, start thinking about travel. If 2020 has taught us one thing, it must be that time is precious. If you love to travel, you’ll be keen to make up…

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