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Travel Tips and Plans

Which countries offer the best medical tourism options? Where can you find cheap hotel rooms? Do senior travel discounts still exist? These are a few of the questions that we attempt to answer in our travel tips section.

2 years ago

5 Secrets to Having a Great Trip to Europe in Your 60s

Thinking about finally making that great trip to Europe? Whether you travel regularly, or your trip is a once in a lifetime opportunity, when it comes to taking that big vacation abroad, you want to make the most of every moment…

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2 years ago

6 Transportation Aids That Seniors Should Know About

Being able to get yourself around boosts not only your self-confidence but your sense of self-reliance and independence. If long car trips or simply getting in and out of the car are starting to become more difficult, think about investing…

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2 years ago

6 Unmissable Italian Regions for Wine Enthusiasts

How much do you know about wine? Can you identify an extravagantly-priced bottle compared to a cheaper one? Or explain why a particular wine paired with a specific dish really enhances your meal? Sometimes we know the answer instinctively…

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2 years ago

Planning to Travel Abroad? Here Are Important Financial Tips You Need to Know

Hooray!! You can finally take that trip abroad you’ve had to postpone for the past two years. Before you head to the airport, we want to share some important financial tips that will help you save money and avoid frustrating surprises after you arrive…

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2 years ago

5 Vacation Planning Tips for Dynamic Older Travelers

So, you’ve just booked your fantastic holiday or family vacation – now what? Getting ready to leave is much more complicated than just packing. There are so many arrangements that need to be made before leaving home. It doesn’t matter if…

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2 years ago

The Best Places to Visit in South Africa

Over the past three months, I’ve visited South Africa twice. The country is well-known for its remarkable biodiversity, with grasslands, beaches, and deserts that are home to a stunning array of animals and plants…

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2 years ago

3 Sneaky Tips for Finding Hidden Gems When Traveling After 60

We all have our favorite things to do when we travel, whether for a vacation or a longer stay. The first thing I do in a new city is hit the art museums. We all want to see famous sites and attend popular entertainment events…

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2 years ago

7 reasons to visit the Palio of Siena

Experiencing any event overseas can be a great way to get under the skin of the town or city where it takes place, but particularly if it’s an experience that’s essentially for locals rather than tourists. So many events today are staged…

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2 years ago

Protecting Your Passport While Traveling

When you’re planning a trip abroad, one of the most important items on your packing list is your passport. This small book is your ticket to exploring new countries and cultures, but it also contains a wealth of personal information…

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2 years ago

Exploring 5 of Canada’s Most Beautiful Cities

After a two-year pause due to Covid, I am so pleased that travel is finally returning. We are all yearning to leave our homes and to explore exciting new destinations. I am blessed to live in Canada, one of the most beautiful countries in the world…

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