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There's a myth that older adults don't like technology. Nonsense! Let's explore the best apps, websites, gadgets and services for dynamic older women, like us.

4 years ago

How Do My iPhone and PC Work Together?

You love your iPhone, but a Windows PC is the only computer you have ever used? No problem! Even though iPhone is made by Apple and Windows is a Microsoft product they can well work together. Read More

4 years ago

Coping with the Frustrations of Technology

Do you experience enormous aggravation when things don’t work properly – and, more disturbingly, break down? I don’t mean important things like your medication or even local transport. No, I mean the computers and numerous…

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4 years ago

Why Sharing More About YOU on Facebook Can Be a Good Thing

In a world where we regularly hear about ‘data breaches’ and identity theft it’s no wonder you may hesitate to share too much on Facebook. It’s scary to think people can learn so much about us. Read More

4 years ago

5 Technology Apps That Can Help You Make Lifestyle Changes in Your 60s

Technology sometimes gets a bad rap. Many are quick to point out it’s detrimental impact to our health and society. While technology can have a negative impact if we are glued to our screens, there are many ways it can help us lead a healthier and more positive lifestyle. Read More

4 years ago

Bring Your Digital Photo Album to Life with Photo Books

One of the best things about having a smartphone within arm’s reach is that you can capture photos at any point and time. While that means we don’t miss once-upon-a-time moments, your digital photo library can fill up and get…

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4 years ago

Common Scams Targeting the Elderly and How to Avoid Them

Elderly people face all of the same scams as everyone else, but some scams disproportionately affect the older generations. Many of these fall under the umbrella of elder fraud – the misappropriation or abuse of financial control…

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4 years ago

Staying Social After 60: How to Avoid Fake Friend Requests on Facebook

A man named Randy Scott (not his real name), requested to ‘friend me’ on Facebook. I often get military men, middle-aged and older men, requesting to be friends. I delete them since my rule of thumb is, “Don’t accept friend requests from people I don’t know.” Read More

4 years ago

What is “The Cloud” and How Can it Make Your Digital Life Better After 60?

We all use the cloud almost every day in one form or another. However, many of us have no idea what it actually means.

When we talk about “the cloud,” what this means is that the things you create (a.k.a. data), such as photos, videos, documents and email, are not physically stored on a computer, phone or tablet. Read More

4 years ago

Photos Stuck on Your Phone? Here’s How to Get them Back Fast!

Smartphone ownership has skyrocketed across the globe, including those countries with emerging economies such as Turkey, Malaysia, Chile and Brazil.
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4 years ago

How to Stay Safe in a Digital World by Keeping Your Phone Secure

It’s a big digital world out there, and it can be scary. But it doesn’t have to be. Arm yourself with the knowledge to protect yourself and be proactive. Online safety is in your hands. Read More