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There's a myth that older adults don't like technology. Nonsense! Let's explore the best apps, websites, gadgets and services for dynamic older women, like us.

3 years ago

How to Manage Your Online Passwords

There are a number of rules that the experts tell us about passwords, and according to those rules, you’re supposed to use a different password for every account you have online. The passwords you use should not contain…

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3 years ago

Why Smart Technologies Are a Great Help to the Involved Caregiver

MIT AgeLab is conducting a series of surveys to understand changes in public attitudes and behaviors toward technologies. As they noted, “The pandemic has served as a propellant accelerating the adoption of devices and related services…

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3 years ago

Have You Heard of the Coronavirus Vaccine Scams? Yes, They Are Real!

The coronavirus has infected more than 22 million people in the United States, as of Jan. 10, 2021, according to a New York Times database. More than 373,000 people in the United States have died from this highly viral disease…

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4 years ago

Smart Tech That Can Make an Older Woman’s Life a Little Easier

Smart devices in your home can help with every aspect of daily life, provide security, comfort, and convenience. Generally, all you need to set up most devices is a power source and Wi-Fi connection. A little guidance helps…

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4 years ago

How the Internet Can Help You with Your Health

Health and the Internet. Probably not two things that you’d normally associate with each other, especially if you’re someone who doesn’t already spend a lot of time online. However, in 2020 the Internet is capable of so much…

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4 years ago

7 Tips for Women Over 60 to Get More from Social Media

Social Media is mainstream and everyone is jumping on board. Many of us over 60 don’t really know what Social Media will do, but we are willing to give it a try. People say it will help us connect with friends and family, give us advice…

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4 years ago

What You Should Know When Using Technology to Stay Fit at Home

Over the past few years, at-home workout options have exploded. The 2020 pandemic has accelerated that growth more than anyone could have expected. People want to keep up their fitness level but need to do it safely at home…

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4 years ago

Getting Hacked Can Lead to Identity Theft and Worse! Here’s How to Protect Yourself

We all do our best to keep our computers secure. In fact, I woke up this morning to a useful link to a very handy guide on computer safety. But in my case it was like shutting the door after the horse had bolted. Read More

4 years ago

Get Better at Tech by Embracing Fearlessness

“Nothing says ‘old fart’ more than not keeping up with technology,” a friend in her late 60s told me not long ago. I’m not sure I’d want to attach that label to the many people who feel intimidated by tech, but I do agree that “I’m too old…

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4 years ago

How Well Do You Handle Modern Communication?

When most of us were young, there were very few ways of communicating with people who didn’t live nearby. There were handwritten letters (remember them?), there was the house phone, and, in an emergency…

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