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There's a myth that older adults don't like technology. Nonsense! Let's explore the best apps, websites, gadgets and services for dynamic older women, like us.

1 year ago

Going Through the Experience of Being Scammed

There are so many scams these days. I regularly get telephone calls from ‘my bank’ (never named) telling me that there have been some irregular purchases from my account, usually adding up to more than $1,000. I had one this morning…

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1 year ago

5 Music Apps for Women Over 60

Do you like listening to music? Music has never been more accessible than it is now. Streaming music services have practically replaced CDs and other types of music formats. You can listen to all your favorite music from your phone, your tablet…

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1 year ago

Do You Know All That Instagram Has to Offer?

Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms across all age groups. What started out as a platform to share photos with filters to make them look professional has evolved over the past few years into so much more…

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2 years ago

Granny Cams and Care Homes – Should You? Can You?

I was watching the news recently and heard that a local group here in the Charlotte, NC area, Seniors of Urban Living, was pushing North Carolina state lawmakers to sponsor a bill allowing families to monitor their loved ones in nursing home…

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2 years ago

Facebook Is a Gathering of Friends – 7 Tips for Keeping It Enjoyable

I must confess that I do love mornings – now that I’m retired. I cherish the slow arousing of my mind as it shakes the remnants of sleep off its back. I veg in muddied nothingness that fogs my thoughts until dawn burns through to clarity. I indulge in the luxury…

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2 years ago

What Is the DNA Jazz Band and Why You Should Know About It

In this month’s issue (February 2023) of Woman’s World magazine there is an article entitled, “Red Light Therapy Cured my Knee Pain.” The article immediately caught my attention as it also stated that the knee pain the person…

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2 years ago

Smartphone Addiction – Six Practical Tips for Less Screen Time

The beginning of the year is a ripe time to take stock of behaviors we want to change in our life. These days, many people are using their phones to a level that arguably rises to unhealthy…

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2 years ago

How Technology Can Help Ease Social Isolation

A study of more than half a million people in the UK and Canada has linked social isolation to signs of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. More than a third of people worldwide over 50 live alone. In addition to the toll cited above, social isolation…

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2 years ago

Will AI Write Your Novels Soon?

I have never been particularly excited by the idea of Artificial Intelligence (AI). It seemed something remote to my everyday life, although I have undoubtedly been exposed to numerous examples without my ever knowing it…

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2 years ago

Sharing Your Secrets Could Save You Time, Money and More!

Several years ago, my husband and I visited an old friend who had not been well. We were shocked to see that his health had deteriorated quite quickly with cancer, heart disease, and early onset Alzheimer’s – all at the age of 60…

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