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There's a myth that older adults don't like technology. Nonsense! Let's explore the best apps, websites, gadgets and services for dynamic older women, like us.

8 years ago

The Latest Technology is Amazing But Can Never Replace a Hug

My father turned 90 in May. We had a small birthday party at his house, which I filmed on my phone. He was blowing out candles on a cake, although he could not eat the cake. He has a feeding tube and has not eaten normally for over 20 years, since his last cancer surgery. Read More

8 years ago

Staying Connected After 60 – Have Text Messages Killed the Call?

Do you remember the song, “We Don’t Talk Anymore?”

It was written back in the 1970s, long before mobile phones had become a part of our lives.

How many of us recall the days when you picked up the phone and dialed your best friend, sister or Mother for a long gossipy chat? Usually, you curled up on the sofa with a cup of tea or coffee. Or, perhaps you had a glass of wine or a gin and tonic close to hand. Read More

9 years ago

5 Powerful Benefits of Social Media for Women Over 60

I have no idea why people my age are shying away from using social media when it is so easy to use, providing us with many great opportunities. This is especially true for us gals over 60. Is it that old “fear” of computers? Haven’t you gotten over that yet? You should be comfortable with on-line shopping, banking and surfing for websites by now. Read More

9 years ago

Are Older People Really “Anti-Technology?”

In many ways, Baby Boomers were the first generation to experience constant technological change. In the 1950s and 60s, household devices focused on convenience and productivity were already well established. In the following decades the rate of change has only accelerated. Read More

10 years ago

There Are Plenty of Ways to Discover Cool Sites – Here’s One of My Faves

Everyone has their favorite websites. But, with so many to choose from, finding new places to visit online, while avoiding all the nonsense, can be challenging. Read More

10 years ago

Pills, Wills, Bills and Thrills: 12 Amazing Apps for Older Women

One of the common misconceptions about women over 60 is that we are not tech savvy. The truth is that we love our smartphones, tablets and eBooks just as much as anyone. We are also always on the lookout for amazing new apps to educate, entertain and inspire us. Read More

11 years ago

6 Simple Facebook Safety Tips for Older Adults

Women over 50 represent one of the fastest growing demographics on Facebook. But, while social media platforms are gaining popularity with my generation, not everyone knows how to get the most from Facebook, while staying safe online. Read More

11 years ago

How will Technology Change the Future of Healthcare for Women?

Women over 60 today can expect to live longer than any previous generation. Not only are we better educated about how to stay healthy, but, advancements in medicine are also giving us a longevity boost. Read More

11 years ago

Technology Tips for Women Over 60: How to Stay Safe Online and More! (Video)

Technology provides many wonderful opportunities to learn and connect. Websites like Facebook help us to stay connected with friends and family, while tablets and smartphones connect us to the world of information and the people that we care about most.

But, if you are not naturally tech-savvy, the world of computers can be a bit daunting. Luckily, there are amazing experts out there to give us technology tips! Read More

11 years ago

Women Over 60 are Using Social Media to Make their Voices Heard

In a recent Huff Post article, I argued that most companies just don’t know how to market to older women. A few years ago, companies could use the excuse that women over 60 were hard to reach. But, now that our generation is one of the fastest growing audiences in social media, this argument has lost its power. Women over 60 are online – and boy, do we have a lot to say! Read More