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Small Business

Are you thinking of starting a small business in your 60s? It's not as unusual an idea as you might think. In fact, older entrepreneurs are becoming increasingly common. We'll take you step-by-step through the process of building your profitable business.

4 years ago

How to Make Extra Money FAST in Retirement ($100-500 More Per Month, Without Working!)

So, you’ve retired. Congratulations! All that’s left to do now is to book a tee time and sit in front of your pool with a glass of champagne in one hand and the Sunday Times in the other. Yeah right! Unless you are one of the “lucky” few who have saved millions…

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4 years ago

Why I Hate the Term “Jobs for Seniors”… But Embrace the Idea of Working in Retirement

If you look up “jobs for seniors” on Google, you are likely to find dozens of articles with jobs that require no experience are easy to do part-time and that you can do at home. While there is no doubt that these attributes are appealing to some retirees, overall, I believe…

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5 years ago

3 Reasons Boomers Need a Side Hustle More than Millennials

If the lifestyle gurus are to be believed, starting a side-hustle is one of the surest paths to wealth at any age. But, on the whole, it is Millennials who have truly embraced the “Four Hour Workweek” and similar books.

Rejecting yesterday’s conventional wisdom – “Do well in school, go to college, get a good job, work hard for 45 years and retire” – younger workers are embracing freelancing, following their passions and planning their next job during the orientation for their current one. Read More

5 years ago

5 Ways You Can Use Self-Isolation to Start Your Business Now

If you’ve been contemplating starting a business, now is the perfect time. All of us are being asked to self-isolate to prevent the spread of COVID-19. We suddenly have extra time on our hands…

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5 years ago

4 Crazy Excuses Older Adults Give for Not Starting a Business (#3 Really Makes Me Mad!)

By the time we reach our 60s, we finally realize that the best way to become a millionaire in retirement is to start investing 10% of everything you make in your 20s. Now, if someone could just invent a time machine so that we could go back…

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5 years ago

6 Questions that Can Help You Generate New Business Ideas at Any Age

When I talk with other people of my generation about starting a business, the most common response that I get is along the lines of “I’d love to start a business… but, I have no idea what to do.” Read More

5 years ago

3 Reasons to Keep Your Retirement a Secret (Don’t Say We Didn’t Warn You!)

Retirement is one of the most important milestones of a person’s life. So, for those of us hard-working (and lucky) enough to actually be able to retire, it is only natural that we would want to scream about our success from the rooftops…

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5 years ago

I’m a Workaholic, and It’s Time to Deal with It

My chief goal for this year is to figure out why I work. Yeah, I know that sounds absurd. But when I created my New Year’s resolutions this year, I realized that while my writing…

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5 years ago

Why Guest Blogging Can Be an Exciting Post-Career Activity

If you like to write but do not want the obligation of running your own site, guest blogging may be a good outlet for you. You choose the topic, do the research, and create your post…

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5 years ago

Is Our Fear of Financial Risk Killing Our Retirement Dreams? You Bet!

If there is one thing that financial advisors, the media and seniors agree on it is that “the older you get, the less risk you should take with your money.” On the surface, this advice makes perfect sense. After all, having 100% of your money in stocks, one year before retirement could have disastrous consequences… especially if the market dips right before you start to cash out your savings. Read More