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Sex After 60

Hollywood wants us to think that sex after 60 isn't normal. Nonsense! Women our age are sensuous creatures. In this section, we will explore all aspects of sexuality, from safe sex to how to connect with your body if you live alone.

6 years ago

4 Surprising Ways that Love Gets Better with Age

I just saw a touching documentary called The Age of Love . It’s about a speed dating event for 70–90-year-olds that took place in upstate NY, and follows the participants before, during and after the event. Read More

8 years ago

Betty White Feels Sexy in Her 90s… Do You?

I don’t know who first said that the brain is the most important sex organ, but, whoever they were, they were correct! In our 20s and 30s, it is easy to think of sex as an entirely physical process. Unfortunately, this focus on our external appearance can lead to poor relationship choices, low self-esteem and a lot of confusion. Read More

8 years ago

Are You Feeling Sexty? What Sex After 60 Really Means

I am not a sexologist. I am a “normal” sixty-year-old woman who wants to ponder in public. By the way, I hate the word “normal” – it doesn’t mean anything. I don’t think I’m a particularly revolutionary thinker. I’m only stating the obvious in my thoughts below. But I’ll let you decide! Read More

9 years ago

Sex and the City Star, Kim Cattrall, Says Sex After 50 is All in Your Head

Is sex after 50 normal? Sex and the City star, Kim Cattrall thinks so!

If Hollywood is to be believed, the only people having sex in this world are perfectly sculpted 20-somethings with radiant skin on the outside and an animal passion on the inside. The idea that people in their 50s and 60s enjoy sex is almost as forgotten on screen as it is in real life. Read More

9 years ago

Sex After 60 is Wonderful, Says Dame Helen Mirren

One of the biggest aging stereotypes is that sex after 60 doesn’t matter. What nonsense! Do our bodies change as we get a little older? Of course! Do our attitudes towards sex shift as we move through the phases of our life? In many cases, yes, they do. But, just because our attitudes change doesn’t mean that we become non-sexual beings in our 50s or 60s. Read More

9 years ago

Sex After 60 Could Help to Keep Your Brain Healthy

One of the most common myths about aging is that we no longer care about sex after 60. For most of us, this is categorically untrue. Read More

9 years ago

Do Men and Women Look at Sex After 60 Differently? | Senior Dating Tips (Video)

Is sex after 60 really different for man and women? This is the question that I asked senior dating coach, Lisa Copeland, in a recent interview. Read More

9 years ago

Does Anybody Want to See Sex After 60 on the Big Screen?

Why is sex after 60 so rarely seen on TV and in the movies? After all, sex is an important part of life at every age. It is one of the most intimate ways that we can communicate with another person. Many would also argue that sex is essential to our emotional and physical health. Read More

9 years ago

What’s Different About Love and Sex After 60? (Video)

Is sex after 60 really better than ever? Or, does Hollywood have it right when they portray sex as a young person’s game? In this interview, I talk with dating coach, Lisa Copeland about love and sex after 60. Read More

9 years ago

Joan Collins Says that Sex After 50 Should be Accepted as Normal

Sex after 50 is taboo subject. While we have come to expect our world to be filled with images of perfectly shaped 20-somethings in intimate situations, the very idea of sex over 50 is repulsive for many. In the movies, sex has become so commonplace that we barely even notice full-frontal scenes – unless, like in The Hangover, the body being shown is owned by an older person. In these cases, the nudity is there to make the audience giggle nervously. Read More