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Senior Tours

Senior tours offer the safety and security of a group, while still giving you the chance to explore. Find out about senior travel clubs, travel adventures and other amazing experiences here.

8 years ago

Traveling to Morocco for the First Time? Here Are 8 Fun Tips!

I’ve spent a lot of time in Morocco and I’m still happily discovering all its hidden surprises. For the first-time traveller, there are endless discoveries in a culture rich with history and African, Middle Eastern and European influences. Read More

8 years ago

How My Alaskan Vacation Gave Me a New Perspective on Life and the World

As I sit here, feeling cozy back at home, my mug says “Alaska, the last frontier.” I am trying to keep the spirit of the amazing month of July alive in my thoughts. Read More

8 years ago

Ever Thought of Taking a Road Trip in Spain? What’s Stopping You?

Does the idea of taking a road trip in Spain appeal to you?

Perhaps you remember when actress Gwyneth Paltrow and Chef Mario Batali made a 13-part TV series back in 2008 called “Spain On the Road Again.” They made the trip with food writer Mark Bittman and actress Claudio Bassols. Read More

8 years ago

Why a Kenya Safari Should Be On Every Older Woman’s Bucket List

We all have a list of places we would like to see someday. Getting older, we suddenly realise the need to “Just Do It.” Read More

8 years ago

What My Pretend Honeymoon in Bali Taught Me About Life

I never had a real honeymoon. You know how these things go. My ex-husband and I didn’t have the money and we couldn’t justify the time.

So it was that, as a 60-something-year-old divorced woman, I received an intriguing offer on my trip to Bali. I was asked to test drive a honeymoon experience with the luxury hotel group Alila. Read More

8 years ago

6 Amazing Places to Revisit in Your 60s – Senior Travel Tips (Video)

With the rest of the world waiting to be explored, why should you return to a place you have already visited?

There are three reasons, I believe, to go back to an amazing destination. Read More

9 years ago

6 Exotic Low Cost Travel Destinations for Women Over 60

As we travel, we are always on the look out for countries that are low cost, interesting and safe. Sometimes our home currency works against us and other times it works for us. Either way, we are looking for more bangs for the buck. Right? Read More

9 years ago

Feel More Positive This Year! Tour the Happiest Countries with Road Scholar

If eating exquisite cinnamon buns (kanelbulle) in Denmark, delicious meatballs (köttbullar) in Sweden or fabulous smoked salmon (Rokt laks) in Norway appeals to you, you’ve come to the right place! All of these delicacies are among my favorites too. Read More

9 years ago

Baby Boomers Are the First Digital Retirees

There’s a lot of talk about Millennials (18-34 year olds) being the first generation to be born in the internet age, and all the technological advantages that brings with it. However, we rarely talk about the fact that baby-boomers are the first generation to retire in the digital age. Read More

9 years ago

Explore New, Off-the-Beaten-Path Educational Adventures with Road Scholar in 2016

Each year, Road Scholar, the not-for-profit leader in lifelong learning, introduces new educational adventures around the world that are designed specifically for older adults. Whether traveling participants are traveling as a couple, as a group, or solo, Road Scholar uses local experts to help participants explore the world and fuel their desire for new experiences. Read More