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Senior Dating Sites

Looking for senior dating site reviews and tips? You've come to the right place! Find out which senior dating services have the best chances of helping you to meet the man of your dreams. Get tips and tricks from some of the world's leading senior dating experts. Finding love after 60 is possible. Isn't it time you met someone who deserves you?

6 months ago

March Is the Month for Long Shots in Dating

I’m a sports fan – I hit Spring Training on Sunday in Florida with the Red Sox and Yankees and watched my team wipe out the opponent. And now I’m caught up in March Madness and was glued to multiple channels a few nights ago…

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7 months ago

5 Things Men Don’t Want to Hear About on a First Date

I hear a lot of stories from my male clients. Please pay attention as they make up half of the people I work with on a weekly basis. Before you think I’m singling out the audience of Sixty and Me, keep in mind that these are valid things to consider…

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7 months ago

6 Musts Baby Boomers Need to Consider When New to Online Dating

It seems like at every stage of life we say, “Well, they’re at that age.” Whether it’s teething, or asking why every five seconds, or moodiness, or midlife blues, or reinventing ourselves. In our 60s, we’re at that age where we often find ourselves newly divorced…

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8 months ago

Online Dating: Why Haven’t They Responded to My Text Message?

So, you’ve been browsing this dating site and found someone that you liked. You sent a lovely and uniquely crafted message a few days ago, but it feels like it fell into a black hole. Where is he and why hasn’t he responded? This question comes up daily…

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11 months ago

Are You Considering Giving Up on Online Dating?

Are you ready to throw in the towel? Feeling frustrated and discouraged? Well, hold your horses because there’s a little something you might have missed. Studies have shown that most people give up on online dating after just two attempts…

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12 months ago

5 Crucial Online Dating Pointers

I’ve seen so many simple errors intelligent singles make that hamper their chances with online dating. Before you say, “Online dating does not work,” (it does) or “It will not work for me,” (why not?) or “My friends tell me horror stories…

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1 year ago

The Top 5 Best Dating Sites for Seniors

We all seek love and connection. It’s a natural human trait to want to bond and share with others. Are you single and ready to mingle? Are you divorced or widowed and ready to hit the dating arena to give love another try?

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1 year ago

10 Things to Watch Out for When Dating Someone New

My clients range in age from around 48 to 78 years old. I’ve heard many first date encounter stories, and I’d like to share some behaviors that you should absolutely watch out for. Because, let’s face it, if it happened early on, it will only get worse…

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1 year ago

Why I Encourage a Fast Start to Dating?

If you’ve read my previous posts, you know I’m excited about helping my clients enjoy online dating. And I certainly don’t mess around. I am a supporter of the fast start on dating.
And I do this with a reason. Consider this example…

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1 year ago

8 Common Dating Mistakes Women Make Online

As a dating coach with experience of over 25 years, I have heard and seen quite a bit. When Carol, 67, an architect in Texas, came to me last month, she asked me why she hadn’t yet met The One yet, despite being online for a year…

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