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Senior Dating Advice

What is the best senior dating advice? Is it best to explore your passions, hoping that you will meet someone special? Or, do senior dating sites offer a quicker way to find love after 60? These are a few of the questions that I have asked professional dating coaches over the years. Their answers may surprise you.

2 years ago

5 Tips for Feeling Confident Approaching Men in Real Life

Let’s say you’re out and about, and you see an attractive man you’d like to meet. You want to go up and talk to him, but you haven’t flirted in years and putting yourself in a situation where you might get rejected…

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2 years ago

How to Avoid the Heartbreak of Ghosting Dating After 50

Back in the day, before the Internet, when people met via a fix up by friends, no one would have even thought to disappear like they do today. Their reputation was at stake, and they didn’t want to face the judgment of their friends…

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2 years ago

10 Best Online Dating Tips from a Top Dating Consultant

For the past 25+ years, I have coached clients on dating – in the old days (90s and early 2000s) with matchmaking and in the 2010s and 2020s with online dating. Sometimes it’s hard to remember that there are over 100 million singles in the US alone…

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2 years ago

How Much Is Too Much? The Truth About Age Difference and Relationships

Do you see yourself with a toy-boy, or maybe you prefer a father figure image? What is the truth about age difference in relationships? Does it really matter, and how could it affect you? Let’s explore the issues.
In over 20 years as a matchmaker…

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2 years ago

5-Day Dating Rule: How to Speed Up Online Dating and Get Real Dates

Ever heard of the 5-Day Momentum Rule? It’s a very powerful concept. As a dating coach/counselor with over 25 years of dating experience, I know this for a fact! This rule has gained even more importance in the past five years as our attention…

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2 years ago

Scared of Online Dating Scams? Use These Tips!

Being scammed is one of the scariest concerns you might have about dating at this time in your life. What makes it feel even scarier are the TV shows like The Tinder Swindler that recently aired on Netflix. This show depicted real-life incidents of how smart…

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2 years ago

Yes, Dating in Your 60s Can Be Fun If You Do This One Thing

I know you may not believe me when I say dating can be fun after 60 and that you can find love with a good man at this time in your life. Yes, I understand how frustrating dating probably has been for you…

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2 years ago

3 Tips for Deciding if You Are Settling with the Wrong Man After 60

As a dating coach focused exclusively on women over 50, I have some thoughts to offer on how to determine whether you are settling with the wrong man. Men who practically trip over themselves to make you happy are great catches…

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2 years ago

10 Biggest Online Dating Mistakes

After 25+ years working with singles as a dating coach, helping them navigate online dating from writing dating profiles to teaching effective messaging techniques, wow, have I seen the weird, the humorous – and all in between!

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2 years ago

3 Keys to Success with Online Dating

Well, here’s some good news for online daters! According to research firm Pew, in 2020, 1 in 3 singles met and married via online dating. As a dating coach and dating counselor, there is nothing more rewarding than seeing my clients happy – and celebrating…

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