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Senior Dating Advice

What is the best senior dating advice? Is it best to explore your passions, hoping that you will meet someone special? Or, do senior dating sites offer a quicker way to find love after 60? These are a few of the questions that I have asked professional dating coaches over the years. Their answers may surprise you.

1 year ago

Don’t Give Up Dating Over 50: 10 Ways to Connect with a Guy Who “Clicks”

You’ve gone on 14 first meets and you’re done. You’ve had it. This online dating thing isn’t working. It isn’t working and you’re fine with that. You’ve got a life – a great life. Friends, grown kids, grandkids; you love hanging out with them…

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1 year ago

Why Some Women Find Love and Other Women Don’t

Do you ever notice how some women in our age group attract and date wonderful men while others struggle to meet any men at all? They aren’t prettier, smarter, thinner, or richer than you, so how do they find love with such high-quality men…

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1 year ago

How Can You Tell if He’s Interested?

Regardless of how long you’ve been dating someone new, until you have a conversation about exclusivity, you’re still only dating. This means he can date other women, and you can date other men. You’re keeping your options open until you find the one…

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1 year ago

5 Phrases Confident Single Women Use

You may be surprised, but how you self-talk creates your success… or failure. In life. In dating. In everything. Quick example: I have a new 66-year-old client who told me she wasn’t sure anyone would want to date her – after all, she was widowed…

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1 year ago

How to Trust Men Again After Being Hurt as a Single Woman Over 60

It really hurts when you’ve been betrayed by a man who has lied to you in some way. It betrays your trust which can leave you feeling shaken and unsure about men and your “picker of men” instincts. This can lead you to start second guessing yourself…

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1 year ago

Senior Dating Mystery: Why Does Emotional Truth Make Men Nervous?

Several years ago, I wrote an article on why men should be emotionally honest with women. The reader response was overwhelming. The article garnered more than 2,000 comments overnight, a number typically reserved for articles written by movie stars…

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1 year ago

3 Things NOT to Expect When You Start Dating Online

When I first started dating in my late 40s, online dating was in its infancy. There wasn’t a lot known about how it worked. Since my friends didn’t know single men, I thought I’d better figure this new way of dating out if I was going to meet the perfect man for me…

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1 year ago

10 Online Dating Tips That You Rarely Read About

Let me just say that I’m never, ever bored with my job. Why? As a dating coach, I just never know what’s going to happen next with my clients. Some follow my advice, others are very creative – in a good way. That being said, here are 10 tips…

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1 year ago

Can You Keep Old Relationships from Ruining New Ones?

By the time you’re over 60, you’ve had at least one, maybe more, significant love relationships. If you’re reading this article, chances are good that you’re single now. It’s a fact: Love brings both good and bad to our lives. Being in love is the most exciting feeling…

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1 year ago

Texts/Messages Not Leading to a Date? Here’s Why

Online texting/messaging is both an art and a science. The art portion is being imaginative, short, sweet and knowing your audience. The science part is super simple: On average, an online dater can expect that with every 10 messages they shoot into cyberspace…

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