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Senior Dating Advice

What is the best senior dating advice? Is it best to explore your passions, hoping that you will meet someone special? Or, do senior dating sites offer a quicker way to find love after 60? These are a few of the questions that I have asked professional dating coaches over the years. Their answers may surprise you.

8 months ago

Dating Is a Small World So Think Before You Speak… Harshly

Buckle up ladies, this is a story and a half!!! I had two dates with a guy named Bob, which may or may not be his real name! We met on Match and talked on the phone before we met in real life. The conversation was fun so off we went…

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8 months ago

Ready to Reset? 10 Dating Tips for 2024

It just may be time to reset the alarm on your dating life. Since we don’t come with factory settings, it’s not as simple as Control ­+ Alt + Delete. And it’s common knowledge that New Year’s resolutions last… well, not long. In fact, if you even made them – you may have already forgotten […]

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10 months ago

Holiday Dating Dilemmas: 7 Dating Tips to Consider

It’s hard to believe how fast this year has gone, and we are officially launching the holiday season –Hannukah, Kwanza, Christmas, New Year’s and more! Here come Lifetime and Hallmark movies with happy endings…

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10 months ago

If You Experience Dating Frustration, Give Yourself a High Five

As you date, it’s not unusual to experience frustration from time to time. The men you meet may be disappointing, second dates may be scarce, or maybe you’re not even able to get to the starting line. Frustration comes in all shapes and sizes…

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10 months ago

Two Men Reveal Their Thoughts and Strategies About Online Dating

All day long, I help my clients with online dating and hear some interesting perspectives. Today, I am featuring two men who went through the online coaching program with me and who agreed to an interview to share their thoughts, ideas…

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10 months ago

5 Ways to Safeguard Your Heart in the World of Online Romance Scams

I’m going to start this article with my vulnerability hanging out. There’s no bra that holds vulnerability in and no underwire that can prop it up. It’s scary, and yes, my shoulders are a bit above my chin right now. But there’s strength in vulnerability…

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10 months ago

Who Should Chase Whom in Dating?

There seems to be some confusion surrounding who should be the pursuer when you’re dating at this stage of life. Men love women who make the first move, and many women love the feeling of being pursued. So how do you meld these two concepts?

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11 months ago

Opening the Door to Love Again After a Loss

Not long ago, I met a very lovely lady who enthusiastically shared her story of love lost and found again. She explained how her husband had died 20 years earlier. Years later, after vowing that she would never love anyone else, this woman found herself…

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11 months ago

Is He Wonderfully Romantic or a Narcissist?

With all the chatter about narcissists, it’s natural to wonder if the man you just met is a true romantic and showering you with admiration, or a closet narcissist and is love-bombing you. How do you know the difference?

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11 months ago

Tackling the 4 Unsuccessful Dating Habits That Mature Women Develop

Mature women are not that much different than their younger counterparts when it comes to dating. They want to love and be loved. Yet, because they’ve had decades to master the art of dating, they often pick up…

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