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Senior Dating Advice

What is the best senior dating advice? Is it best to explore your passions, hoping that you will meet someone special? Or, do senior dating sites offer a quicker way to find love after 60? These are a few of the questions that I have asked professional dating coaches over the years. Their answers may surprise you.

9 years ago

When it Comes to Love After 50, Do You Really Want a Soulmate?

Finding love after 50 is tough. That’s the conclusion that I have come to after talking with several senior dating experts, as well as, the women in our community. Part of the problem is that, while the dating game has changed, our expectations haven’t. Read More

9 years ago

What I Learned About Senior Dating from a Professional Dating Coach

If you are like many women in the community, the concept of senior dating probably sounds about as appealing as watching paint dry. For starters, no-one wants to think of themselves as a senior, even if they are in their 60s. In addition, after a life-time of difficult relationships, is it reasonable to think that we will be lucky in love in our 60s or 70s? Read More

9 years ago

What’s the Best Place to Look for Love After 60?

If you listen to the media, you would be forgiven for believing that looking for love after 60 is like trying to find water in the desert, blindfolded, without shoes… well, you get the idea. This might have been true in the 1950s, but, we’ve come a long way since then. The truth is that more people over 60 are finding love than ever before. Read More

9 years ago

Is Dating Over 50 Really Better than at Other Times?

If you believe the dating sites, dating over 50 is easy, fun and stress-free. Some services have even gone so far as to say that dating in your 50s and 60s is better than at any other age. But, is this really true? Or, are dating sites simply looking for new ways to separate us from our money? Read More

9 years ago

Is Senior Dating Really So Horrible?

I love a great debate. Last week, I was sitting in a café near my gym when I overheard a group of women my age in a heated conversation about senior dating. Read More

9 years ago

Is it Really Possible to Find Love After 50?

When you ask most single older people if they would like to find love after 50, the answer is almost always yes. But, if you ask them whether they think it is actually possible to find love after 50, their answers are more mixed. Some people believe that finding love is possible at any age. Others are skeptical. Read More

9 years ago

Over 50 Dating Tips for Women from a World-Renowned Dating Coach

One of the best things about running Sixty and Me is that I get to interview so many fascinating people. Recently, I have interviewed over 50 dating coaches and entrepreneurs, doctors and yoga teachers. Each discussion was unique in its own way, but, I have to be honest that I have a special place in my heart for my interview with dating coach, David Wygant. Read More

9 years ago

Dating After 60: A Love Psychologist’s Guide

I’ve met a lot of discouraged mid-life ladies, women who worry that, when it comes to dating after 60, all men want is someone young and hot. And yes, most men would like to find a younger woman; and they put a premium on aspects of beauty that are tough to maintain as we age. I could tell you they don’t, but I’d be lying, undercutting my own credibility, and going against data collected all over the world.

Yet you can successfully compete with younger women. Here’s how, in five scientifically proven steps: Read More

9 years ago

Have You Given Up on Finding Love After 60?

When I talk with the women in our community about senior dating, I am usually met with skeptical responses. It seems like the majority of us really do believe that finding love after 60 is practically impossible. Read More

10 years ago

Mature Dating: Should Older Women Look for Younger Men?

Many older single women spend a lot of time looking for an attractive, kind, older, single man. While it’s true that some of us find the man of our dreams after 60, the majority of women that I have spoken to are deeply skeptical of this approach. Read More