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Senior Dating Advice

What is the best senior dating advice? Is it best to explore your passions, hoping that you will meet someone special? Or, do senior dating sites offer a quicker way to find love after 60? These are a few of the questions that I have asked professional dating coaches over the years. Their answers may surprise you.

3 years ago

Frequently Asked Holiday Dating Questions

Tis the season, so as an online dating coach and consultant, I’m sharing frequent questions I get this time of year from singles. You should know that there is no bad month of the year to begin dating – truly! December is a festive, cheerful month…

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3 years ago

5 Words to Never Use in Your Online Dating Profile

Returning to the dating scene is overwhelming, especially now that it’s gone digital. The work that goes into picking a platform, choosing flattering photos, and filling out the never-ending questions can be discouraging…

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3 years ago

Want to Finally Succeed at Dating Over 60? Make This One Attitude Shift

I recently had another of those relationship discussions with a few single friends. What they have in common is, they all have plunged into online dating. And everyone agrees that online dating is more painful than a dental scaling and root…

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3 years ago

Dating Over 50: How to Cope If You Have Been Dumped, Ghosted or Love-Bombed

Dating at any age can be challenging. Here are some ways you can deal with the most common things that can happen in language that might be new to you! Being dumped can be painful and impact our self-esteem. Sometimes rejection comes our of nowhere…

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3 years ago

11 Awful Opening Lines You Need to Delete from Your Online Dating Profile

When it comes to online dating profiles, I’ve realized that intelligence has nothing to do with writing a good paragraph about yourself. In fact, there are times I feel there is an inverse correlation between intelligence and online dating…

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3 years ago

Do I Need a Dating Consultant? Here Are 4 Signs That You Do

It’s no secret that dating can be really tough. While dating can be a fun, carefree experience for some, for others it can sometimes feel like a full-time job. If you’re starting to think of dating more as a job, then you might benefit from working with a dating coach…

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3 years ago

Are These 3 Flubs Destroying Your Over 60 Dating Life? You Can Interfere!

Have you ever wondered why some women get the guy while you struggle with dating? Today, I want to share 3 major flubs women make that keep them from attracting a good man who could be an amazing companion to share their life with…

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3 years ago

Remove These 7 Things from Your Dating Profile – ASAP!

I read an interesting article today on about a CEO who reads more than 1,000 resumes a year, discussing various items to remove immediately from your CV/Resume. This hit home for me as a dating coach as I want singles to have the best…

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3 years ago

Dating After 60: In Praise of the Third Dimension

I’m late to the online dating party. I joined a grief group after my husband died and over the years it evolved into a bunch of friends with one sad thing in common but a lot of other fun and interesting things to discuss. They pushed me…

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3 years ago

Do I Really Want to Date Again?

When I am single, I reflexively sign up for a dating app, or three. Why would I ever want my flirting skills to get rusty? I don’t know about all of you, but for me it’s soothing and fun to peruse profiles, kind of like going to a cocktail party where you know…

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