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Retirement Planning

Retirement planning isn't just about saving money. It's also about making sure that you have the skills, passive income and passions to get the most from life after retirement.

6 years ago

Looking After Your Money in Retirement: Is a Financial Advisor a Good Person to Know?

You’ve worked hard your entire life and saved responsibly for retirement, but how do you ensure that your nest egg will continue to meet your needs? Who should you ask to help you manage your money in retirement? Financial expert Pam Krueger is going to answer these questions and more. Enjoy the show! Read More

6 years ago

4 Painful Truths About Retiring Abroad That I Learned the Hard Way

I didn’t mean to retire in Switzerland. Instead, retiring abroad was a happy accident. After spending more than four decades in corporate jobs, I found myself out of work for the first time. One of my sons was living in Switzerland and the other had settled in Scotland. In addition, my marriage had ended several years earlier, so, there really wasn’t a strong incentive for me to stay in the U.S. Read More

6 years ago

What Happens to Your 401K and IRA After Retirement? You May Be Surprised

We all want to get our hands on our 401K at retirement, but do we know how to do it the right way? Join us in discussion with financial expert Pam Krueger who has priceless advice to share with our community. Enjoy the show! Read More

6 years ago

Money Management in Retirement: Do You Still Need a Financial Advisor?

There is a lot of negative talk about financial advisors – can we trust them, or are we better off managing our own savings and funds? Financial expert Pam Krueger is here to expose the truth about financial advisors. Enjoy the show! Read More

6 years ago

4 Ways to Become a Financially Savvy “Bag Lady”

Do you often imagine your future as a disheveled, elderly lady, pushing a wobbly cart overflowing with belongings down the street? Read More

7 years ago

Saving for Retirement: 3 Reasons to Avoid the “Post Kids Spending Spree” Trap

The day that your youngest child leaves the house, or graduates from university, is a bitter-sweet moment for most parents. On the one hand, you are faced with sadness, fear and loneliness. On the other hand, you finally have the opportunity to start living your life again. Read More

7 years ago

This One Cost Could Send Half of Your Social Security Check Up in Smoke!

As many women in our community know, living on Social Security alone is no picnic. You have to keep a roof over your head, food on the table and clothes on your back. But, as necessary as they are, these aren’t the costs that most of us should fear as we get a little older. Read More

7 years ago

8 Ways That the New US Tax Law Might Affect Your Retirement

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was approved and is now the new law of the land.

While the majority of the media has covered the proposals for the changes as being a boon for the wealthy, they have missed discussing how the new tax laws affect most retirees. Read More

7 years ago

Transitioning into Retirement? Do These 5 Things First!

Transitioning to retirement isn’t a simple process. Let’s talk about a few of the things that you can do to make this time of your life easier. Read More

7 years ago

What is a Retirement Coach and Why Might You Need One?

In our parents’ days, people simply left the job they had held most of their lives and moved onto permanent vacation when they retired. But then, most of them never lived the additional 25 to 30 years anticipated for many of us boomers. Read More