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Reinventing Yourself

If you are thinking about reinventing yourself in your 60s, you are not alone. More women than ever are taking a look at their lives and deciding that they need a change. Some of us want to lose weight. Others have decided that it's time to get out there and make new friends. Whatever your goals, we're here to help.

2 years ago

12 Promises You Can Make to Empower and Express Your True Self After 60

Do you ever wonder if you’re worth it? Do you believe you are valuable to the people you love? How about yourself? Do you let others define your value? Do you hide your true self? Do you know your true self?

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2 years ago

How Being Messy Can Transform Your Life for the Better

If you know the nursery rhyme story of Jack Sprat and his wife, then you have an idea of the relationship my wife of 44 years, Judy, and I have. If you’re not familiar with the child’s poem, here is the first stanza…

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2 years ago

Don’t Fight Your Female Midlife Crisis – It Can Help You to Find Your True Self

Every man is allowed a midlife crisis. It’s expected and tolerated. There is even a wink-wink, nudge-nudge quality about the red Mustang convertible and hair transplant that many men gravitate towards. Is there such a thing as a female midlife crisis?

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2 years ago

The 4-Step Secret Formula for Creating a Powerful Second Act

Is there a second act in you? Perhaps even a third? At this age, we all know that the definition of insanity is “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result…”

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3 years ago

3 Ways to Find Balance in Retirement, One Step at a Time

Retirement isn’t about endings. It’s about moving forward and embracing new possibilities. Think of your post-working years in terms of rebalancing, reimagining and even reinventing rather than just retiring. Retirement is an opportunity…

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3 years ago

6 Ways to Renew Yourself After 60

As women over 60, we are constantly looking for ways to renew ourselves. In your search for this essence of aliveness, many of you will make big changes, quit your jobs, renovate your homes or go on a trip to find new adventures…

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3 years ago

How Our Core Beliefs Affect Our Lives

In my work with women who are redefining after 50, I help them take a long, deep look at their core beliefs and how they have affected and continue to affect them on their journey. Typically, when we are talking about these beliefs, we are talking about…

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3 years ago

How a Life Stocktake Can Kick Start Your Next Adventure

Have you heard the good news? Life adventures are crucial to happiness and health. Each time you take a holiday, start a new hobby or learn a new language, you strengthen the functioning of your brain and improve its neuroplasticity…

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3 years ago

Bring Back the Adventure, Freedom, and Fun That’s Been Missing from Your Life!

Have you noticed that your spirit of adventure has died and that you no longer jump out of bed to take on your day? What happened to that brave, bold, spontaneous woman you used to be? You know, the one who was passionate…

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3 years ago

What You Are Now Is Where You Were in Your Teenage Years

I recently read a Facebook post about a 40-year reunion. Four men had a band when they were in high school. Three of them went on to non-music careers but got together again at the reunion. They started practicing and reinvented the band…

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