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Reinventing Yourself

If you are thinking about reinventing yourself in your 60s, you are not alone. More women than ever are taking a look at their lives and deciding that they need a change. Some of us want to lose weight. Others have decided that it's time to get out there and make new friends. Whatever your goals, we're here to help.

1 year ago

Can You Pinpoint Your Identity After 60?

With six or more decades of life under our belt, we have lived long enough to gain new identities and release old ones. In some cases, identity is established based on our phase of life. We were first a daughter, then a student, perhaps a wife…

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1 year ago

7 Easy-to-Implement, Fast-to-Accomplish Hacks to Reset and Refresh Your Life at Home

Especially as we grow in years, our home is the only place where we have a sense of total control over our lives. Everything else, the “outside world,” is not under our command (at least not completely). Our homes are places of recreation…

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1 year ago

Are You Between the Stories of Your Life?

The tides of our life take us on endless journeys of discovery and adventure. They unfold and unfurl in ways that, at times, are almost impossible to see or plan for. Sometimes we simply bathe in the small gentle ripples of the waves as they kiss the shore…

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1 year ago

Sign Up to Show Up: How to Torture Yourself into Change (And Have Fun in the Process)

My mantra when I was a manager at an internet company was: Embrace constant positive change. I used to relay that to my staff all the time. It came from a tech guru I admired, and considering the fast pace of the work we were doing…

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1 year ago

Do You Get in Your Own Way? I Sure Do!

I’ll never forget the day I realized it wasn’t the holding on that was killing me. It was being dragged. Mostly through the mud, which was wet and messy. Over my life, I have learned to manage the mud. A stiff dirty martini, some retail therapy…

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1 year ago

Everyone Else Is Taken! The Power of Being Yourself After 60

“Be yourself, everyone else is already taken”. I have this quote on a pillow at my entryway, it’s a great way to remind myself that I need to be true to me. I should not be ‘doing’ what others expect me to, unless it’s what I want to do!

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1 year ago

Dangerous Fixed Mindset Beliefs for Women on “The Right Side Of 50”

Many of us women after the age of 50 find ourselves looking to redefine in some way. We may be ready to leave the job or career that we are in, but not ready to totally retire yet. Our children are grown and out of the house, for the most part…

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1 year ago

5 Top-Rated Free Online Classes for Women Over 50

We often hear that we are never too old to learn something new. It has never been easier to learn new things than it is now. The internet has opened the doors to new ways of learning and I’m here for it. Now, all I need is to find the time to take all…

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2 years ago

How Creating a Belief Plan Will Help You Feel Better Immediately

If you feel stuck in a less-than-ideal life and can’t seem to find your way forward, consider that it may be because our brains are made for efficiency. The main goal of our primitive human brain is to keep us alive, and one way it accomplishes…

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2 years ago

How to Accept Life Changes You Didn’t Expect to Happen Over 60

Nine years ago, my husband and downsized and got rid of most of our furniture and belongings. We let go of things that had accumulated over the years. Saying goodbye to our friends and all that was familiar to us, we sold our home…

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