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Reinventing Yourself

If you are thinking about reinventing yourself in your 60s, you are not alone. More women than ever are taking a look at their lives and deciding that they need a change. Some of us want to lose weight. Others have decided that it's time to get out there and make new friends. Whatever your goals, we're here to help.

8 months ago

I Used to Ski: Thoughts on How to Reconcile Your Past

Right after Thanksgiving, in the Northeast USA the temperature drops precipitously. It’s ice cold outside. As I step out of my warm cozy home, the best place I have ever lived, onto a newly planked landing, looking at one of the best cars I have…

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8 months ago

Never Be Invisible Again! 3 Secrets to Being Seen After 60

There’s a rumor circulating that after a certain age women disappear. Not literally, of course, but for all practical purposes many older women feel overlooked, dismissed and ignored. Curiosity drove me to investigate why some…

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8 months ago

Yes, You Can Design Your Mind

The human mind is a complex and powerful entity that has been a subject of fascination and exploration throughout history. In our quest for self-improvement and personal growth, we often seek ways to design and shape our minds…

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9 months ago

Embracing the New Year with Abundance

As we begin a brand-new year, it’s customary for many of us to reflect on the aspects of our lives we’d like to eliminate or change. However, consider this: what if we approached this new year with a different mindset – one focused on what we want…

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9 months ago

Where Do Your Beliefs Come From?

Your thoughts, behavior and life experiences are run by your beliefs. Therefore, to improve the quality of your life in 2024 and beyond, it won’t come by a flurry of physical activity as most people have been taught to believe it will…

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9 months ago

Is Ambition a Good or Bad Thing After 60?

Something made me think about ambition recently. Did I feel it was a good or bad thing in people, especially my friends? The answer is complicated. On initial thinking, I tended to feel that ambition, when not taken to extremes, is a good thing…

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9 months ago

Re-Connecting with Ourselves After Decades of Putting Our Wishes Aside

Discovering who we are isn’t only for teenagers going through trials and tribulations of identity. As adult life sets in, and we become inundated with the myriad of responsibilities, we focus on keeping our heads above water…

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9 months ago

The Single Thing That You Can Do to Combat Overthinking

I saw a meme a few months ago that I posted on my Facebook page, and it resonated hugely with my community. It said, “It’s like no one in my family appreciates that I stayed up all night overthinking for them!” We all laughed about it, because for many of us…

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10 months ago

5 Steps to Creating a Vision Board to Inspire Your Year

What better time than the start of a new year to envision new possibilities! Most of us get ready by buying a planner or a calendar. Empty pages filled with promise. But there’s another way to prepare for the year ahead. You can ask the counterpart…

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10 months ago

New to Career Reinvention? Just Dive In!

A friend of mine called for some career advice recently. She’s about to make a radical shift: after more than 20 years in the fashion industry, she’s becoming a detective. She went through a grueling selection process. But she made it through to the other side…

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