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Reinventing Yourself

If you are thinking about reinventing yourself in your 60s, you are not alone. More women than ever are taking a look at their lives and deciding that they need a change. Some of us want to lose weight. Others have decided that it's time to get out there and make new friends. Whatever your goals, we're here to help.

9 years ago

Forget About Finding Yourself – Create Yourself Instead!

So many people go through life trying to “find themselves.” We read self-help books, hire career counselors, take trips to think about our life, write in diaries and, for the most part, we end up where we started. Read More

10 years ago

Learn How to Stop Procrastinating and Improve Your Self-Esteem

If you ask most young people what they expect life after 60 to be like, they will probably use phrases like “winding down” or “preparing for retirement.” Nothing could be further from the truth!

Unless you are one of the lucky few that have been able to retire in luxury, the chances are you are busier now than you have ever been. Read More

10 years ago

Don’t Postpone Reinventing Your Life After 60

I rarely pay attention to marketing messages, but, today I came across one that I just had to share with the community. The quote is from a Nike ad and has a simple message – “Yesterday you said tomorrow.” Wow! There is a lot of wisdom packed into these 4 words!

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10 years ago

New Year’s Resolutions – Building on the Past and Making Positive Plans for the Future

Every December we look ahead at the future and take a deep breath. It’s been quite a year hasn’t it? I am absolutely sure that is true for every single person in our community. Read More

11 years ago

Reinventing Your Life After 60 – Prill Boyle (Video)

Prill Boyle is my latest fabulous guest on the Sixty and Me Show. As an author, speaker, writer and TV host, Prill believes that age truly is just a number. She has spent her career interviewing, writing about and promoting the achievements of hundreds of ‘ordinary’ women who have done extraordinary things in their lives. Read More