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Reinventing Yourself

If you are thinking about reinventing yourself in your 60s, you are not alone. More women than ever are taking a look at their lives and deciding that they need a change. Some of us want to lose weight. Others have decided that it's time to get out there and make new friends. Whatever your goals, we're here to help.

8 years ago

What Speaking on a Cruise Ship Taught Me About Being a Superlifer

I am having so much fun being a guest blogger on Sixty and Me. The strength and vibrancy of this community is amazing and I love interacting with you all. Read More

8 years ago

Women Over 60 Are Important – Let’s Start Acting Like it!

Society has a habit of understating the achievements of older adults. This is especially true for women over 60, who have to contend with the combined forces of ageism and sexism. Read More

9 years ago

How to Unleash Your Secret Power of Reinvention

The new buzz word for Baby Boomers is “reinvention.” Your career is winding down. You are not quite as energetic. Your focus shifts. Priorities rearrange themselves. When you started out in life you needed to invent yourself and now, with these passing years, you need to reinvent yourself. Read More

9 years ago

4 Essential Steps to Reinventing Yourself After 60

Our 60s are one of the most important transition periods of our lives. With our kids out of the house, our social context is changing. Retirement is “in sight,” even if we don’t plan on quitting our jobs any time soon. Turning 60 is also the time when many of us start to question our place in the world. We may even look at our lives and ask, “Is this it? Surely I was meant to do something more!” Read More

9 years ago

How to Stick With Your New Year’s Resolutions

Women over 60 are often interested in self-improvement and making positive changes in our lives. New Year’s Resolutions can be an ideal opportunity to take stock of where we are in life and chart a course for where we want to go during the year ahead. Read More

9 years ago

6 Life-Changing New Year’s Resolutions for Women Over 60

If there’s one characteristic that many women over 60 seem to possess in abundance, it’s our sense of resilience and dynamism. Women over 60 have witnessed massive changes in society and in ourselves during the course of our lives.

As we approach another New Year, it’s time to take stock of what else we might like to change in our lives by setting some New Year’s resolutions. Read More

9 years ago

Personal Development Shouldn’t Stop After 60! Stay Connected with These Tools (Video)

Do you feel like society tells you that you are “too old” to do certain things? Do you want to break out of your self-imposed chains and become the person that you always knew you could be? Then, my interview with personal development expert, John Tarnoff is for you! Read More

9 years ago

It’s Time to Rethink the Aging Process and Get More from Life (Video)

Every day, we are bombarded by negative stereotypes about the aging process. In the movies and on TV, we are told that aging is something to be feared. Hollywood really does seem to think that aging is, at best, a necessary evil and, at worst, a punch-line. Read More

9 years ago

Wondering How to Reinvent Yourself After 60? Follow These 5 Steps (Video)

So, you’ve decided that you want to reinvent yourself after 60. Now what? As many people in their 60s and 70s have discovered the hard way, reinventing yourself in retirement is much harder than it sounds. If you are looking out at the next 2-3 decades with a sense of trepidation, my latest interview with the inspiring John Tarnoff is for you! Read More

9 years ago

Reinventing Yourself After 60: Where Do Baby Boomers Go from Here? (Video)

Are you interested in reinventing yourself after 60? Then, my latest interview with John Tarnoff is for you! Baby boomers are special. At every point in our history, we have changed the world and reinvented our lives. Read More