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Reinventing Yourself

If you are thinking about reinventing yourself in your 60s, you are not alone. More women than ever are taking a look at their lives and deciding that they need a change. Some of us want to lose weight. Others have decided that it's time to get out there and make new friends. Whatever your goals, we're here to help.

6 years ago

How to Feel Visible and Vibrant After 60 in 5 Easy Steps

I’ve shared the story before about how, several years ago, I hosted a small group of women – all over 60 – at my home and was shocked to discover that many of them felt that, with age, they had become ‘invisible.’ Read More

6 years ago

5 Things I Learned from Attending a 10-Day Millennial Nomad Cruise

If there was one thing I learned on my recent Nomad cruise it’s that Millennials know how to have fun. They love to take risks and engage with each other. Read More

6 years ago

How to Reclaim Your Passion for Life in Your 60s

Stand as a spiritual warrior at the threshold of old age. This is no time to shrink away, to believe the lies of insignificance or uselessness. Do not retreat or retire from the world. Read More

6 years ago

How Reverse Culture Shock Through Travel Can Change Your Life After 60

It definitely took me by surprise because I wasn’t expecting it. After a year backpacking through Europe in my 20s, I had been looking forward to being home and reconnecting with friends and family. Read More

7 years ago

Reinvention After 60: My Experience with the Butterfly Theory of Personal Development

Not long ago I got an email from a reader of my blog, RealDelia. She shared a poem that she’d seen posted elsewhere on the Internet which used the metaphor of the butterfly’s chrysalis to describe those periods when we need to go inside ourselves to grow…

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7 years ago

How to Redefine Yourself When You Are Made Redundant

I’m about to lose my job. It’s a long story, but the Reader’s Digest version is that I work for a large, British NGO in London that just lost a big chunk of its government funding.

As a result of that decision, my entire department is being shut down at the end of July. Read More

7 years ago

You Deserve More! It’s Time to Get What You Want from Life After 60

Freeze frame your life. Ask yourself if you are living the life you deserve and want. Don’t tell me your answer yet. Tell yourself that answer. Read More

7 years ago

14 Ways to Reinvent Yourself After Your Career Ends

How does someone unimagine your job for you? To put it simply: they fire you, downsize you, lay you off (what does that mean exactly?), outsource you, or let you go (where did I go?). Read More

8 years ago

Let Yourself Go and Others Won’t Want to Let You Go

One of the best things about reaching your 60s is that you can stop worrying what other people think and really start to be yourself. Read More

8 years ago

Is Retirement All About Reinvention?

Our generation likes to turn things on their ears.

We’ve exerted a lot of energy reshaping the world. Women’s rights (hats off to Gloria Steinem), rock ‘n roll (thank you, Woodstock), technology (kudos to Steve Jobs) and politics (sorry).

So it’s no surprise that Baby Boomers are now rethinking The Golden Years. Read More