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Reinventing Yourself

If you are thinking about reinventing yourself in your 60s, you are not alone. More women than ever are taking a look at their lives and deciding that they need a change. Some of us want to lose weight. Others have decided that it's time to get out there and make new friends. Whatever your goals, we're here to help.

5 years ago

6 Insights I Picked Up on My 51st Class Reunion

My high school class is not one of the those who have regular reunions. We had one 10 years after graduation, then nothing. So, I was surprised – and delighted – to get an invitation to celebrate…

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5 years ago

Turning 60 is an Opportunity to Change Your Life for the Better

When I said I was moving to Bali, someone asked, “What are you running from?” The question struck me as odd. I wasn’t running from, I was running to. After years of doing for others this was for me, my great adventure. It was also a test. Could I survive the loneliness that was sure to come? Read More

5 years ago

How Our Perception Shapes Our Lives After 60

Cruising along the freeway, my sister, Joan, and I were absorbed in a passionate discussion. Suddenly, time stood still. The car in front of us spun out of control, leaving the driver facing us. Read More

5 years ago

Transitions Offer Opportunities for Late Bloomers – Do You Care to Explore Them?

I’m separating from the man I’ve been partners with since my 20s. The last few months have been very difficult. My living arrangements are unsettled, so my habits and routines are jumbled. Read More

5 years ago

How to Get Out of Your Comfort Zone in 5 Easy Steps

I hate to admit it but I’m a creature of habit. Year-round, I follow the same routine: I’m up early to go to the gym for a workout, or I head outdoors for a long run. Then most of my days are spent at the computer editing or talking with clients on the phone. I’m a homebody. Other people love planning exotic vacations, taking a cruise…

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6 years ago

4 Ways to Rediscover Who You Really Are in Your 60s

Do you ever yearn to go back to the good old days when your kids were small, and you were busy, busy, busy helping them grow and enrich their lives? Unfortunately, that is not an option. Time, and children, march on. Read More

6 years ago

Healing and Reinventing Your Life After an Emotional Trauma

Whether caused by fires, floods, famines or disease, traumas cause physical and psychological injuries that need healing. This also applies to the more common emotional traumas like separation, divorce, and death in the family. Read More

6 years ago

New Year. New Disciplines and a New You!

It’s a new year, a new beginning. For a little over 40% of us, it means we’re in the midst of establishing goals for 2019. These include learning a new language, exercising more or losing a few pounds. Read More

6 years ago

Try this New Strategy to Make Your New Year’s Resolutions Stick

So, it’s the start of another new year and you know what that means – resolutions. I have an impressive history of faithfulness regarding resolutions, faithfully making and breaking them, that is.

Every January 1st, I faithfully write down my resolutions in my journal and just as faithfully break most of them before the ink has completely dried on the page. Read More

6 years ago

3 Concepts That Can Help in Reinventing Ourselves After 60

Did you ever think, “Ah, when I’m 65, I can finally do what I’ve wanted to do for so long: I can read when I want, be creative, take afternoon naps, see friends and play with my grandkids”? Read More