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Reinventing Yourself

If you are thinking about reinventing yourself in your 60s, you are not alone. More women than ever are taking a look at their lives and deciding that they need a change. Some of us want to lose weight. Others have decided that it's time to get out there and make new friends. Whatever your goals, we're here to help.

5 years ago

You’re Never Too Old to Embrace Change and Start Over!

Do you feel like you keep starting over with the same goals? About this time every winter I realize that I have already given up on many of the things that I wanted to change about myself in the new year. About two weeks in! Can you believe it? Read More

5 years ago

Why Women Our Age Are Saying “I Feel Invisible”… and What We Can Do About it

“I feel invisible because of my age,” is a leading thought in the minds of many women of a certain age.

I did not say a specific age, nor did I say all women are faced with this dilemma. After all, these feelings depend on the woman. But I will say this, more women than not, as they age, feel invisible. Read More

5 years ago

New Year, New You: Tips and Habits to Start the Year Strong

The new year often brings with it an overabundance of hopeful resolutions, lofty goals, and well-intentioned promises to live better, eat healthier, and improve various aspects of oneself and one’s life…

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5 years ago

13 Revelations I Brought Home from My Iconic 50th High School Reunion

We slipped quietly into our hometown, arriving one by one – by car, taxi, bus, or train. We all wondered what we would feel. It all looks the same! It all looks different!

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5 years ago

Life After Derailment: Getting the Big Picture Back in Focus After 60

An older friend of mine preaches, “Always see your next six steps.” It’s good advice, and I follow it when I’m rushing to catch a trolley or heading upstairs. But what about our next six steps in life?

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5 years ago

Expect a Miracle When Attempting a Mid-Life Revival

Are you attempting a mid-life resuscitation? If like me, this includes starting a business. Have you ever woken up at three or four in the morning, usually from a disturbed sleep, to find your first thought is “What do I think I’m doing?” Read More

5 years ago

How Travel Can Help You Become the Woman You Want to Be

“I soon realized that no journey carries one far unless, as it extends into the world around us, it goes an equal distance into the world within.” —Lillian Smith. Travel saved my life…

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5 years ago

How to Beat the “I Don’t Wannas” and Find a Sense of Purpose After 60

Ever have a case of the “I don’t wannas”?

Mine usually hit when it’s a grey and gloomy morning. The last thing I want to do is my series of morning exercises and stretches when it’s drab and dreary. Just the thought of strapping on my ankle and wrist weights is enough to send me burrowing back down into those nice comfy covers. Read More

5 years ago

Is the Definition of Retirement Holding You Back? Why Not Write Your Own?

An increasing number of Baby Boomers have grown reluctant to use the word retirement. And, why not? After all, we shouldn’t allow the dictionary to determine what our post-career years look like. It’s time to write our own definition of retirement…

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5 years ago

Embrace the Power of Reframing to Get More from Life After 60

In many ways, baby boomers have a lot to be thankful for. After all, on paper, we are the wealthiest generation of all time. We are also destined to live longer than any generation before us. Read More