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Reinventing Yourself

If you are thinking about reinventing yourself in your 60s, you are not alone. More women than ever are taking a look at their lives and deciding that they need a change. Some of us want to lose weight. Others have decided that it's time to get out there and make new friends. Whatever your goals, we're here to help.

3 years ago

Changing Direction After 60: Always Have an Escape Plan!

I attended Columbia Business School for one week in 1983. I learned all I needed to know. Always have an escape plan. It’s an important lesson, especially as we move into a phase of life where every moment counts. We want to choose our path and not have it…

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4 years ago

What I Learned About Myself Thanks to Being a Writing Coach

One of my professors in graduate school once told me that he’d learned more from his doctoral students across his 30-odd years in the business than he had from anyone else. I left my career in academia too quickly…

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4 years ago

Lost Childhood? It’s Never Too Late for a Do-Over!

You’ve heard it said that youth is wasted on the young. It’s true! But some of us had no childhood to waste. We were subject to forces beyond our control and became old before our time. Because of my mother’s sudden critical…

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4 years ago

How Do I Even Begin the Journey of Self-Care?

“How do I start this journey of self-care and self-love, after spending a life focused on others?” This comment was on a recent article of mine for Sixty and Me and resonated so much that I promised to respond. So many women reach this age and are suddenly widowed or divorced (by choice or not). […]

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4 years ago

Feeling Isolated and Alone? Create an Extended Family from Scratch and Energize Your Golden Years!

Don’t you wish you had interesting and enjoyable people to hang out with? Covid-19 has left many people feeling isolated and alone. Perhaps you were feeling disconnected even before the pandemic, wondering how to grow a network…

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4 years ago

The Importance of Meaningful Conversation at Any Age

As an only child who grew up with a quiet and introverted mother and a father who worked very long hours, there wasn’t a great deal of meaningful conversation in my household. In fact, being raised on TV dinners made the meals…

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4 years ago

3 Keys to Starting Over After a Loss Later in Life

A few years ago, I spoke to a lively group of women that had been started by my friend Joan Rogliano, a divorced realtor living in Colorado. The Wildflower Group had been formed out of a need for an organization to tend to the needs of recently-widowed and divorced women. Read More

4 years ago

Reinventing Yourself After 60 Starts with These 4 Questions

As we reach our 60th birthday, it’s natural to look back and ask where all the time has gone.

Of course, we know “logically,” exactly what we have done with our lives. For the last 6 decades, we built our careers, raised our families and supported our spouses. In our “spare time,” (don’t laugh!) we tried to keep up with our passions and read the occasional book.

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5 years ago

Menopausal Moments and the Financial Markets: 4 Ways to Manage “The Change”

I remember it well – the mood swings, the hot flashes. One day I am elated with life, enjoying every moment. The following day could find me on the verge of biting a loved one’s head off…

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5 years ago

Your One Big Thing: Why It’s Never Too Late to Start Over

Sometime this spring, I will be looking at houses along the Pacific Coast, an area I fell in love with in the 1990s. This is the culmination of a long-held dream. But it’s far more than that…

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