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Reinventing Yourself

If you are thinking about reinventing yourself in your 60s, you are not alone. More women than ever are taking a look at their lives and deciding that they need a change. Some of us want to lose weight. Others have decided that it's time to get out there and make new friends. Whatever your goals, we're here to help.

5 months ago

Every Year After 60 Deserves a Re-Boot! Where Will You Go?

The desert spreads out below me as I pick my way on the rocky trail. Yesterday’s deep purple of Chinese lantern flowers lining the path has changed to soft lavender phacelia and bright orange mallow. Life at the speed of two miles…

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5 months ago

The Importance of Establishing Boundaries After 60

I recently found myself in a position where, at the age of 62, I have begun to establish and actually stick with some boundaries. This came with a complete mindset change – I wasn’t just paying lip service to this idea – it felt very different in my brain…

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6 months ago

Do We Need a Mission Statement After 50?

In my work with my community of women who are redefining after 50, I recently put together a mini workshop where we developed our personal mission statements for this stage of our lives. Interestingly, as I set out to research and get some…

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6 months ago

5 Ways to Discover Your New Path in the Transition to Retirement

When you’re a year or two away from retirement, or from your kids graduating and moving on with their lives, you start fantasizing about how wonderful it’s going to be to have lots of free time…

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7 months ago

#1 Thing to Welcome New Changes into Your Life

Crossing the 60 and over threshold means different things to each of us. One thing we can all agree on is that when we enter this beautiful stage of our lives, resisting change is no longer an option. We all know that change is the immutable law of nature…

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7 months ago

Embracing Rebirth, Redirection, and Meaning This Spring Season

I have a deep affection for winter. There’s something about the crisp air, the blanket of snow, and the cozy evenings spent nestled on the couch with a warm, soft blanket that fills me with contentment and joy. However, as spring approaches…

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7 months ago

Can You See New Possibilities Past 60? 9 Crafty Ways to Enrich Your Life

We are well into the new year. Has life already become routine for you? These ultra-cold days of winter can make us feel limited and cooped up. Don’t forget that life has infinite possibilities! But most of us believe that we don’t have many options available to us…

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7 months ago

Forcing Myself to “Go with the Flow”

I know the readers of Sixty and Me are scattered all over the globe. In my little corner of the world last week, right outside Washington, DC, we’d been having winter weather. Snow and ice on top of snow and ice and bitterly cold temperatures…

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8 months ago

The Art and Science of Planning Personal Development

Embarking on the journey of personal development is a transformative endeavour. You might just find it holds the key to unlocking your true potential. However, the path to personal growth is not serendipitous. It has to be thoughtfully…

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8 months ago

Embracing Change and Cultivating Fulfillment: A Life Coach’s Guide to Thriving in Your 60s and Beyond

At a time when the saying “life is too short” resonates more deeply, the idea of settling into a stagnant existence in later years is rapidly and happily becoming obsolete! The millennial and Z generations, with their emphasis on passion, purpose…

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